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Google+ For Business. 5 Top Google+ Tools and Apps for Marketing Pros. Are you looking for Google+ apps and resources to enhance your marketing? This article reveals five categories of tools and apps you can employ to greatly enhance your Google+ experience. Check this out: Thirty-six percent of brands on Google+ have seen a 100% increase in circle size in less than 3 months, according to a recent study by Simply Measured. This is a stunning metric when one considers that there’s no Google+ advertising platform to fuel campaigns.

Brands are forced to use great content to engage and can’t “pay to play” by using sponsored stories or other advertising gimmicks. A Bad Workman Blames His Tools With this spike in activity, developers are scrambling to create tools to help businesses of all sizes manage, integrate and promote their Google+ communities. This new frontier is a bit rocky as the needs driving Google+ management are still taking shape. Once you’ve got your roadmap, I hope a few of the tools below will help you on your journey. #1: Google+ Widgets inShare733. Is Google+ Mandatory For Marketers? And Is That So Bad? When Google launched its Google+ social network, the marketing world (along with everyone else) barely noticed. When Google decided to make this social network a bigger part of search results, marketers had little choice but to sit up and take action.

Over the last week or so, we at Motivity have spent a fair amount of time talking to clients and constituents about Google’s latest move, and what’s emerging is a picture of concern and skepticism. But don’t fret yet. And don’t get so caught up in the controversy that you fail to evaluate the marketing implications. Is Participation Mandatory? Many of the advertisers I have spoken to feel they are being forced into participation in Google’s social platform because of the recent addition of Search Plus Your World. Indeed, on the consumer side, Google+ participation for new users is mandatory, and it feels mandatory for many marketers, as well.

The sales approach doesn’t sit well with some, either. Will Social Add Value? Take a deep breath. 5 Google+ Tricks to Dominate Google Search Results. There are a number of ways using Google+ for marketing can have a beneficial impact on your business' search engine optimization efforts. Because Google is so eager to provide plenty of incentives for people to actively use the network, it has tied the platform very closely to all of its Google Search features as well. As a result, there are many ways that using Google+ can help boost your regular performance in Google's organic search results as well as help you generate more traffic from people doing searches on the topics you already rank for. In fact, because of the strong connection between Google+ and Google Search, businesses can't afford not to create and maintain a Google+ page. Because Google is launching new integrations between Google+ and Google Search on a regular basis, your business' search presence will only suffer without an active Google+ page.

Here are 5 ways you can use Google+ to help you enhance your business' SEO. Add the +1 Button to Your Website By Brian Whalley. Google+ Business Page : The First 5 Things You Should Do with It. Facebook Brand Pages, Meet Pages For Google Plus. The Mother of All Google+ Resource Lists - TNW Apps. Much has been said about how Twitter and Facebook should be worried about Google’s behemoth social network which gained 10 million followers in 16 day, as compared to Twitter’s 780 days, and Facebook’s even longer 852 days. But like any new service online, people may be signing up and doing very little with their accounts.

In fact, they’re probably the same people who signed up for a Twitter account, updated once with something along the lines of “I’m just trying to figure this Twitter thing out,” and disappeared just as fast leaving in their wake a sad little egg avatar and little else. But Google+ launched just barely under a month ago, and the sheer volume of extensions, third party sites and enhancements that have already emerged may be proof of the social network’s staying power.

If this list is anything to go by, people like Google+, and they’re willing to make the effort to improve the experience for all involved. Change Google+’s appearance Improve Google+’s UI and functionality. Making the most of improvements to the +1 button. Webmaster level: All For the past few months, you might have used +1 buttons to help visitors recommend your content on Google Search and on their Google Profiles.

We’ve just announced a few changes that make +1 even more useful. First, the +1 button now lets visitors share links to your pages on Google+. If someone wants to start a conversation about your content, it’s easy for them to do so. Second, you can use +Snippets to customize the name, image and description that appear when your content is shared. Finally, new inline annotations help increase engagement after users see a friend’s recommendation right on your page. Here are a couple of tips to help you take full advantage of these improvements: +Snippets The +1 button opens up your site to a valuable new source of traffic with sharing on Google+.

For example, if you’re running a movie review site, you might want visitors to share posts containing the title, movie poster, and a brief synopsis: A Guide to Google+ Privacy and Information Control. Can you elaborate? I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. I think What I mean is that I have a hard time seeing how this is going to be any better or any worse in the long run, than any other social network that came before. I spent some time with fb and mirc and icq before that. And for a short time recently, twitter. I have this 'something else' in mind. I feel that what's going to happen is the same old thing that happens. Ah. I got on facebook freshman year of college, I *think* it was fairly new back then, and there were no ads, or marketing, etc. I'm hoping that G+ avoids the marketing/corporate pages and games, and just sticks with google ads. On the other hand, Google wants money, and people expect social networks to have games and bands and businesses, so I don't expect much. 'you're in, you're not you can see, you can't'... sense?.

You are in, you can/'t see, you are not, you cannot but public. Six Tips for Using Google+ Now. Well, much to my chagrin, I just saw that PRNews is offering Google+ training for $329. This is so disappointing to me. Clearly they haven’t read that the new tool is in a sophomore slump and that it’s not yet available for businesses. But it’s not stopping my own industry from trying to make money teaching people how to get in there, create a personal account, and begin using it enhance your personal brand as it affects your business or career.

So I give in. But I’m not going to charge you. I’m going to teach you how to use the tool, in its current iteration, right now. Creating your personal profile The first thing you want to do is create a Google profile, if you don’t already have one. Be sure you use the same keywords you use for your own web properties so, when people search, they’ll find several ways to reach you, not just your website. Organizing Circles Google+ is set up with what they call Circles. What this allows me to do is post information that is pertinent to each group. Change Your Google Plus Background to Any Image | Apartment Therapy Unplggd. Google+ Tips & Tricks: 10 Hints for New Users. Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.

Do you still consider yourself a noob when it comes to Google's social platform? If so, we've got some handy hints to help you out. From quicker sharing options to better content curation via savvy privacy settings, we're bringing you 10 tips and tricks that will soon have you Google Plussing like a pro. Take a look through the image gallery below and please share in the comments any Google+ tips we haven't mentioned — your suggestion could be featured in a forthcoming Mashable article. 7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles. Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.

Organizing your circles in Google+ can be the most confusing part of the new social network. Yet people are learning to embrace and even optimize their circles for better productivity, filtering and privacy. We spoke with some Google+ mavericks about how they've corralled their circles to be more effective. Below, they share their clever tricks and best practices so you can learn from both their mistakes and their successes. 1.

Technology writer +Mike Elgan will directly address people that circled him. 2. +Steve Rubel, EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman has organized his circles to focus on early adopters and thus access valuable feedback and information. 3. Many Google+ early adopters are curious about their followers. 4. 5. 6. 7.