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Average Click Through Rate (CTR) on Google - Number One gets 37% Clicks. 29 Apr 2011 Wondering what’s the average CTR on Google? A report says that 37% of Google users will click on the first link listed in Google search page while a mere 12.5% will check sites that rank at number in Google. couch mode print story A study from Optify [PDF] has revealed 37% of Google users are likely to click on your website link if it ranks at number one in Google search results pages while the CTR dips to 12.5% for sites that rank at position two in Google. Search Engine Watch has converted this CTR data into a caterpillar-shaped infographic [PDF] to help you visualize it even better. Tutorials — how-to guides — google — infographics — being number one in google search makes a big difference.

Le site de la vente à distance et e-commerce. The Social List - Results. Quantifying Facebook Engagement: More than Just Co. Michael Wu, Ph.D. is Lithium's Principal Scientist of Analytics, digging into the complex dynamics of social interaction and group behavior in online communities and social networks. Michael was voted a 2010 Influential Leader by CRM Magazine for his work on predictive social analytics and its application to Social CRM.He's a regular blogger on the Lithosphere's Building Community blog and previously wrote in the Analytic Science blog. You can follow him on Twitter at mich8elwu. Since our annual Lithium Network Conference (LiNC 2011) is this week, I’m going to take a little detour from our gamification journey.

A few months ago, I was posed an interesting question: “Can we quantify the level engagement on a Facebook fan page that is a little deeper than just the number of fans or likes?” This dataset consisted of ~39 million participation records from 11+ million unique fans on 3,050 fan pages spanning from Feb-2009 to May-2011. A Facebook Fan Page is Structurally a Community Communities: Social Media Influence Actualités sur le groupe. You Are the Ad. The Fischer King: David Fischer, Facebook’s vice president of advertising, wants to sell marketers a new, social kind of ad. Three years ago 1-800-Flowers, long a pioneer in Internet marketing, became the first national florist to create a fan page on Facebook.

It used the free page to build relationships with customers and sell selected products, but it spent very little money advertising on the site. In January, however, the company began buying a different kind of Facebook advertisement. “Sponsored stories,” as they’re called, let marketers pay to turn actions people take on Facebook into promotional content. When members click a thumbs-up button to signal that they “like” a product or brand, for example, a simple ad appears on their friends’ pages: “Julia Smith likes” Those friends can click a Like button on that ad, which then shows up on their friends’ pages, and so on. Conventional word of mouth reaches only a limited number of people. Shiny new object. Importance of Social Media & SEO for Public Relations. Many would call the age we’re in, “Information Overload“.

Consider: Facebook is approaching 700 million users and Google handles over 11 billion queries per month. World-wide there are over 5 billion mobile subscribers (9 out of 10 in the U.S.) and every two days there is more information created than between the dawn of civilization and 2003. The age of communications and digital relationships between brands, the media and consumers has changed faster and in ways few could have anticipated. With an ever increasing universe of data and ways to connect, PR and communications professionals are in a compelling position to master the new rules for consumer information discovery, consumption and sharing.

As participants and content creators savvy about the search and social web, PR professionals can directly impact online brand visibility, customer engagement and acquisition. Later today I’ll be speaking to a soon to graduate class at St. Mozilla Firefox. The rise and rise of Facebook is producing a scramble by marketers and companies to leverage its huge global database and traffic. Google is looking over its shoulder as Facebook grows at over 10 million users a month and sits currently at number two on web traffic rankings according to Last year Facebook surpassed Google for the top ranking for total time spent online. Google is even being forced to continually adjust its search engine algorithms to cater for the a social web that provides more prominence for social channels in its search results. Facebook has also become the 3rd largest video website with 46.6 million viewers sitting behind number one ranked video content property provider Google with its YouTube site and Yahoo at second ranking. 50 Facebook Facts and Figures More Reading Information sourced from Image by columnfive 1,305inShare.

Share photos and videos on Twitter. 2012 : tournant du journalisme web. Fact-checking, datajournalism, montée en puissance des pure-players : les élections de 2012 devraient être celles du journalisme web, et d'une autre façon de traiter la présidentielle. 2012 ne sera pas une année comme les autres dans PDF (Paysage Digital Français). Présidentielles obligent, les desks numériques vont eux aussi chauffer et le journalisme en ligne tiendra là l’occasion de se faire enfin une vraie place auprès des aînés.

Mais surtout, il pourrait bien changer, si ce n’est la face du monde, du moins la physionomie de cette grand messe électorale, mère de toutes les batailles politiques (et deux clichés en une phrase, deux !). Investigation, data journalisme et fact-checking pourraient changer la donne médiatique de 2012. Tour d’horizon d’une année charnière pour le web-journalisme en trois points. Pour la première fois, il faudra compter avec les pure-players La nouvelle donne des réseaux et du participatif Fact-checking et droit de suite. Facebook Climbs Toward 700 Million Users Worldwide, With Steady Growth in the US. Discrepancies among third party measurement services partially obscure what still looks like a steady growth rate for Facebook in the US and around the world.

According to the data we track in our Inside Facebook Gold service, Facebook grew by 21.5 million new users in March to reach 661.5 million monthly active users worldwide. That’s somewhat more than what comScore shows, rather less than what Google’s Ad Planner tool seems to show. We expect Facebook to reach 700 million monthly active users within a month or two, based on most measures. More data is available on the US. Here, we tracked Facebook growing by 2.78 million people to reach nearly 155 million monthly actives, the typical monthly amount we’ve been seeing lately, and which comScore mostly closely matches.

The other trend to note from below is that Twitter had a healthy March in the US and around the world. Compete Facebook’s most direct current competitors in the US are Twitter and MySpace. ComScore Google Ad Planner Quantcast. Communication politique Actualités sur le groupe. Quels Médias Sociaux Pour Quels Objectifs Marketing ? – Infographie. La vérité sur le social media. Voilà une étude qui fait déjà réfléchir beaucoup de monde, et c’est une bonne nouvelle. Elle vient d’IBM, s’appelle what customers want et tient en 20 pages. L’essentiel est dans ce graph : Ce que dit le schéma ci-dessus est simple : les marques se tromperaient sur les attentes des consommateurs sur les réseaux sociaux.

Elles y verraient en particulier tout sauf de la fidélisation business de base, alors que ce serait au contraire ce qu’ils attendraient d’elles. Nous serions donc dans le plus parfait malentendu. Personnellement, c’est Brian Solis qui m’a mis le doigt dessus, dans un billet au titre signifiant : getting down to reality et au contenu à l’avenant. On peut tergiverser sur la profondeur du panel et les conditions de cette étude. Aux sources du désenchantement, le malentendu ?

Il est aisé d’y voir une des raisons profondes à ce que Cédric Deniaud appelle du désenchantement, un sentiment que je rencontre pour ma part de plus en plus sur le terrain. Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Avez vous besoin d'une cure de desintox des medias sociaux ? How the Pros Measure Social Media Marketing Success.

From left: Sarah Hofstetter, David Rosenberg and Dexter Bustarde A lot of campaigns seem aimed at accruing Facebook Likes. But is that success? What's the point? Dexter Bustarde: Earning a Facebook Like, by hook or by crook, is a success, but it's a success at a very tactical level. If I have a client with a campaign completely focused on getting Facebook Likes, I'll do what I can to show that this tactic should be working towards a broader strategy (using Facebook to tell people about your brand), which in turn should drive towards a business goal (getting people to spend money on your brand). Far too often, I'll see Facebook campaigns that are very successful at getting a lot of Likes during the campaign, but I'll have no concept of what to say to people after the campaign is done. When you earn yourself a Facebook Like, you've successfully opened up a line of communication with a potential customer and his or her friends. What about Twitter?

More Media Resources from Mashable: Comment se servir des médias sociaux ? Web social. Numérique. Géographie des réseaux sociaux : approches cartographiques. Retour à la lettre d'information n°8 “Au niveau mondial, les internautes passent plus de temps sur les réseaux sociaux, de type Facebook ou LinkedIn, que sur leurs e-mails. Sur les marchés émergents, comme l’Amérique Latine, le Moyen-Orient et la Chine, le temps moyen hebdomadaire passé sur les réseaux sociaux est de plus de 5 heures, contre 4 heures passées à l’envoi et la réception d’emails. Les plus gros utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux sont la Malaisie (9 heures par semaine), la Russie ( plus de 8 heures) et la Turquie (près de 8 heures)”. Ces exemples tirés de la dernière enquête de TNS Sofres sur les activités, comportements et attitudes des internautes en France et dans le monde, publiée le 12 octobre 2010, montrent à quel point les réseaux sociaux sont implantés dans le paysage de l’Internet.

Centrés autour du relationnel entre internautes, au travers de créations de contenus et d’interactions virtuelles, ils sont devenus déterminants dans la compréhension du Web d’aujourd’hui. Le management à la française doit accepter la société en réseau(x) - Organisations - Le : Supplément partenaire. Consom'acteur 2.0 - Blog nouveaux marketing - Ecole de commerce IDRAC.