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Tree of Trying to be Creative

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Avatars. 33 Ways To Stay Creative. Silk – Interactive Generative Art. Create Face Online, Create Your Portrait Caricature Online. Seaquence. How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method.

The Character Workshop — Designing A Life. I’ve designed this little workshop to help you sneak up on character development. Answer the questions in order, and take your time. Allow yourself as much space as you need to answer each one — some only require one-word answers, but some require a fair amount of page space to be answered completely.

A word of warning — this isn’t a complete character checklist; it’s a workshop designed to break through stubborn preconceptions you might have had about characters you write and character design. Because of that, you will not have a complete character if you only answer the questions I’ve given you. And some of the questions are a little odd. Answer them anyway . .. at least the first time. Choose a gender. And that’s it.