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Top 6 Sites that Inspire and Educate & Life Scoop - StumbleUpon. If you’re a professional who likes to be intellectually stimulated and you enjoy keeping up with the latest news and breaking trends, the internet provides you with an endless choice of carefully curated sites to visit.

Top 6 Sites that Inspire and Educate & Life Scoop - StumbleUpon

Today, we bring you six of them that we believe are leaps and bounds above the rest. These sites will not only educate you on topics ranging from business and technology to art and design, they’ll motivate you to find your own, original ideas and see them through. They’re culturally relevant, they’re idea driven and most of all, they’re deeply inspirational. TED is short for three incredibly important subjects in our modern world; technology, entertainment and design. Started in 1984, TED brings together the most brilliant minds to teach us about issues that matter.

Tip: Download TED’s free iPad app to browse through 800 videos by date, popularity or keyword. 2. Brain Pickings started from very humble beginnings. 4. 5.


100 Websites You Should Know and Use - StumbleUpon. Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones There are seven different words in Dothraki for striking another person with a sword.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use - StumbleUpon

Among them: “hlizifikh,” a wild but powerful strike; “hrakkarikh,”a quick and accurate strike; and “gezrikh,” a fake-out or decoy strike. But you won’t find these words in George R. R. Culture My Year of TED: How 54 talks changed a life By Kylie Dunn What do you get when you cross a 39-year-old perfectionist with 54 TED Talks and far more honesty than any person probably needs to experience? Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones There are seven different words in Dothraki for striking another person with a sword.

Culture. 20 Life Lessons I Learned in My 20’s. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email With an impending 28th birthday on my mind, I spent some quiet time this evening reflecting on my recent past.

20 Life Lessons I Learned in My 20’s

And I’ve come to realize that my 20’s taught me a lot about life. So, I figured I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way. If you’re smiling right now, you’re doing something right.It’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel.The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re scared to make a mistake.No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. And I leave you with this question: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Photo by: Nattu If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)... iTools - use the best tools - StumbleUpon. 100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body - Global One TV - StumbleUpon. The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy.

100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body - Global One TV - StumbleUpon

There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever wonder how you can react so fast to things around you or why that stubbed toe hurts right away? It’s due to the super-speedy movement of nerve impulses from your brain to the rest of your body and vice versa, bringing reactions at the speed of a high powered luxury sports car.The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb. Hair and Nails While they’re not a living part of your body, most people spend a good amount of time caring for their hair and nails. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. Internal Organs Though we may not give them much thought unless they’re bothering us, our internal organs are what allow us to go on eating, breathing and walking around. Bodily Functions Senses.