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What you’re doing wrong at the gym on Shine. Warning Signs: What’s Your Body Trying to Tell You? Photo: Levi BrownBy Dr.

Warning Signs: What’s Your Body Trying to Tell You?

Mehmet Oz The body is an excellent communicator, and often the messages are obvious: Red skin means you've had too much sun; a rumbling stomach means you're running out of fuel. But many other distress signals are less well known. Take a few moments to give yourself a quick check for these surprising warning signs. RELATED: The Ultimate Health Checklist If you see: Shortened eyebrows It could mean: Thyroid disorder Hold a pencil perpendicular to the outer corner of your eye; if your eyebrow falls short of the pencil, it could indicate an underactive thyroid. RELATED: The Truth About the Thyroid If you see: Long ring fingers It could mean: A higher risk of osteoarthritis According to a 2008 study in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism, women whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers may be twice as likely to suffer from osteoarthritis. 9 Ways to flatten your belly in one week - Healthy Living on Shine.

Another reason to hate Mondays?

9 Ways to flatten your belly in one week - Healthy Living on Shine

Tight post-weekend waistbands. Unless you spent the past 2 days living like a monk, the cocktails, movie snacks, and dinners out can all add up to one thing: belly bloat. "If you wake up bloated on Monday morning, your weekend food choices are likely to blame," explains Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet. "In fact, overindulging for two days straight can easily cause a gain of three pounds. Fortunately, this weight gain is usually temporary and easy to get rid of in less than a week. " Feel flat again by Friday with these nine easy tips: Reduce belly fat and lose inches by eating delicious foods!

Season Food Differently You may be attracted to your saltshaker, but water is too. Add zest to your dinner recipes with fresh herbs and salt-free seasoning blends such as the Original and Italian Medley Mrs. Trim Down Carbs Stay away from heavy carbs such as bagels and pasta. . • Get gas relief with an over-the-counter product such as Gas-X. 6 Moves That Boost Your Metabolism. Sure, cardio is killer for a stronger heart and lungs, and for slimming down, but to really rev fat burn, you’ve got to slip a few weight training sessions into your week.

6 Moves That Boost Your Metabolism

The reason: Building lean muscle boosts metabolism, zaps calories and creates definition (aka, sleek and sexy curves). You’ll also enjoy serious health bennies. Strength training improves bone density, helping you avoid fractures; it also lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol, reducing your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Try this fat-blasting tone-up from Sara Dimmick, founder of Physical Equilibrium fitness center in New York City, to crank up your body’s calorie-burning engines and get firm fast. You need: A resistance band (with or without handles), a stability ball and a pair of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells The plan: Perform 2 sets of 12 reps of each of the following effective strength moves twice a week on nonconsecutive days. Thigh resizer Terrific trimmer Tight squeeze. How to Do the Perfect Pushup.

When was the last time you did a pushup?

How to Do the Perfect Pushup

Choose the most applicable answer: A) “Gym class, sixth grade.”B) “Why would I ever do a pushup?” C) “Yesterday.” Scoring: If you answered A or B, you’re like most men. If you answered C, you probably work at Men’s Health. Most guys abandon the pushup for the bench press sometime around puberty. In fact, researchers recently discovered that performing pushups as quickly as you can is one of the best ways to build explosive upper-body strength, according to The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. AMERICA'S FITTEST FEMALE ATHLETES: We found them. Why is quicker better? You won’t be able to maximize your strength if you don’t perform the pushup correctly, though. Get down on all fours and place your hands on the floor so that they’re slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. This is too hard, you can place your hands on an elevated surface, such as a step, bench, or even a counter (picture below).

9 Strange But True Health Tips. 6 Health Secrets from Around the Globe - Healthy Living on Shine.
