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Obsidian Portal. Masterplan. Cartographers' Guild - a community for maps of fantasy, sci-fi and real world locations. The Complete Collection of Character Build Links > 4e Character Optimization. All Some of the links are temporarily broken. The new site has broken all the the links. It will take a good while to rebuild it. You can help by searching for old handbooks and posting their URL's if you find them. It seems that the links now redirect to the correct threads.

It may be wise to update the URLs in this collection to the newer ones in case of future issues. Charop has a Wiki Page - check it out, and feel free to edit and improve it:Charop Wiki The Complete Collection of Character Build Links The job of keeping a thread like this updated can be a formidable task for one person to take on. This thread is dedicated to easily referencing the best builds for whatever type of character you want to play. A Word on Format: Links should have the complete name of the actual thread followed with the name of the author in parentheses or italics. Table of Contents. Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page. Www. Newbie DM .com. Critical Hits.