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Relationships In The New Paradigm - A Heart Awakened Life. There is change coming in this world and it is for the better!

Relationships In The New Paradigm - A Heart Awakened Life

The change is taking place globally as more and more people are awakened to the truth of who we really are. This is a time of old relationship templates falling away. The old relationship templates were based on fear where two people have a relationship with each others shadow, wearing a mask and hiding their true selves. In the old templates the belief is that if we marry we are committed to that relationship even when it means feeling lonely and a lifetime of unhappiness!

We believed that it is our duty to ‘be a good husband/wife’ and make it work because that is what society expects of us and if the marriage dissolves it is somehow seen as a failure (which is nuts) rather than it no longer served our growth. When Your Anxiety Makes You An Angry Mom. The Toughest Enemy Of A Good Dad Is A Micromanaging Mom.

The Toughest Enemy Of A Good Dad Is A Micromanaging Mom. 12 Signs Of Being a Toxic Parent - WELLNESS EUPHORIA. 9 Ways to Tell Who's Lying to You. The Science Of Spanking: What Happens To Spanked Kids When They Grow Up? You know what the most annoying thing in the world is when you are a parent?

The Science Of Spanking: What Happens To Spanked Kids When They Grow Up?

Other people telling you what to do as if they know better. Backseat parenting drives me crazy. Until I’m the one doing it. I have dear friends who spank their kids, and I always try to talk to them about the science of it. They always respond with, “I know what’s best for my kids, just like you know what’s best for yours.” However, during those discussions, I’d say there is science that backs up doing something other than spanking. Stop Making Everything Perfect For Your Kid.

Back in the day, when children did not obey the rules, they were “spanked”, if you will.

Stop Making Everything Perfect For Your Kid

Children are now being awarded for “standing up for themselves” when questioned by authority, even when they are not necessarily doing the right thing. However, times have changed drastically. Present day parenting seems to be all about showing off whose child is the most independent, smart-mouthed, perfectly dressed whiz kid. How times have shifted. 10 Common Mistakes Parents Today Make. Modern parenting approach has its good and bad sides – on one side we are creating little spoiled brats, on the other, we are trying to be more aware of what parenthood really means and how our deeds can affect our children for life!

10 Common Mistakes Parents Today Make

A parent that is truly aware of its profound and an inspiring role will always have a grain of self doubt when it comes to own parenting style. Parents constantly need to be aware of their position of being role models to another human being. They need to know that their behavior and habits will affect and determine the future of their offspring! Regular self-reflection is thus the key to good parenting!

Based on recommendations from several children development experts, we have put together a brief parenting manifesto containing some practical tips – hopefully, you will be inspired enough and will try to avoid making some of the following parenting mistakes: Children need rules. 7 Skills Your Child Needs To Grow Up To Be Successful. Every parent wants to see their child grow into a successful and complete person.

7 Skills Your Child Needs To Grow Up To Be Successful

This is why parents never spare time, money and effort on their kids continually. One little change in how you talk to your kids can help them be more successful. Six Kinds of Emotional Abuse by Narcissistic Parents - The Minds Journal. There are six well-known types of emotional abuse Narcissistic Parents or caregivers who display rejecting behavior toward a child will often [purposefully or unconsciously] let a child know, in a variety of ways, that he or she is unwanted.

Six Kinds of Emotional Abuse by Narcissistic Parents - The Minds Journal

Putting down a child’s worth or belittling their needs is one form these types of emotional abuse may take. Other examples can include telling a child to leave or worse, to get out of your face, calling him names or telling the child that he is worthless, making a child the family scapegoat or blaming him for family/sibling problems. Breakingmuscle. Why Ninth Grade is the Pivotal Year for Dropping Out of High School. The transition from middle school to high school is a big one, perhaps bigger than appears at first blush: Not only do students’ academic workloads increase, but simultaneously, so does their independence and responsibility.

Why Ninth Grade is the Pivotal Year for Dropping Out of High School

For some kids, the leap to the responsibilities of high school from what they were doing just a few months before — lining up for the cafeteria, or having parents sign their report cards — is overwhelming, especially when factoring in added freedoms and new opportunities to be social. In the case of many Chicago 14-year-olds leaving their small, familiar K-8 schools, moving up to high school can feel like entering “the Wild, Wild West,” according to University of Chicago Urban Education Institute researcher Camille Farrington. “The Chicago K-8 schools tend to be little-kid places,” she said. “Everyone knows you and your family, all the kids are lined up, the schools tend to be small. But the entire paradigm of education has changed. Redesign the Whole System?

The dark rigidity of fundamentalist rural America: a view from the inside. As the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump is being sorted out, a common theme keeps cropping up from all sides: “Democrats failed to understand white, working-class, fly-over America.”

The dark rigidity of fundamentalist rural America: a view from the inside

Trump supporters are saying this. Progressive pundits are saying this. Talking heads across all forms of the media are saying this. Even some Democratic leaders are saying this. It doesn’t matter how many people say it, it is complete bullshit. I grew up in rural, Christian, white America. In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king, figuratively and literally. How to Get Past Negativity Bias in Order to Hardwire Positive Experiences. It’s helpful to know that the brain is plastic and can adapt to challenges.

How to Get Past Negativity Bias in Order to Hardwire Positive Experiences

And when it comes to learning new things, we can build up mental resources through intentional effort. People can get better at realizing self-regulation, executive functions, a sense of perspective or meaning, positive emotions like gratitude, a sense of strength and the feeling of being cared about. “Any kind of mental activity, including experiences, entails underlying neural activity,” said Rick Hanson, a psychologist and senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, at a Learning & the Brain conference.

He has developed practices to help people build up their mental capacity for happiness by creating patterns of neural activity that with time and repetition become neural pathways. Hanson calls this process “self-directed neuroplasticity.” “We evolved a brain that routinely scans for bad news, both internally and externally,” Hanson said. 17 Differences you will observe between a ‘Lover’ and a ‘Life Partner’ You will encounter many different people in your life.

17 Differences you will observe between a ‘Lover’ and a ‘Life Partner’

Some will bring with them the kind of excitement that you’ve never felt before, some of them will just fade away as quickly as they came into your life, some will feel like the biggest mistake (and lesson) you’ve ever made but just one of them will truly be here to stay. This last person will be the only one you need to keep your focus on, the one who has the potential to bring you unimaginable happiness, and the one you will end up sharing your entire life with.

Here are 17 differences this person will have from all the ones that came before him: You’re not constantly trying to figure out whether you two are soulmates or not- because you’re too indulged in actually becoming soulmates.You both feel ready. Being bored is good for children - and adults. This is why. From books, arts and sports classes to iPads and television, many parents do everything in their power to entertain and educate their children. But what would happen if children were just left to be bored from time to time? How would it affect their development? I began to think about boredom and children when I was researching the influence of television on children’s storytelling in the 1990s. Surprised at the lack of imagination in many of the hundreds of stories I read by ten to 12 year-old children in five different Norfolk schools, I wondered if this might partly be an effect of TV viewing.

Findings of earlier research had revealed that television does indeed reduce children’s imaginative capacities. Top 10 Traits of Individuals with Autism Which Get Overlooked - AngelSense. A post by AngelSense, a GPS & voice monitoring solution designed for children with special needs. Learn more about how AngelSense’s GPS tracking device can help improve your child’s safety and well-being. There is so much about autism that people don’t understand. While it’s easy to focus on how the condition makes daily life and social interaction challenging, people with autism also have many unique skills and abilities which get overlooked. How Mindfulness and Storytelling Help Kids Heal and Learn. By Juli Fraga When mindfulness teacher Laurie Grossman instructed a class at Reach Academy to let their eyes rest and close so they could focus on their breathing, one student’s eyes remained wide open. Instead of following Grossman’s cues, the student refused to close her eyes and stared at her friend.

This kind of response is not unusual for students who come to school after having experienced trauma, such as the death of a parent, emotional neglect and homelessness. Neurological research shows that tragic experiences can affect brain development and impact a child’s ability to concentrate and relax. The 4 Traits That Put Kids at Risk for Addiction. Photo Drug education is the only part of the middle school curriculum I remember — perhaps because it backfired so spectacularly.

Before reaching today’s legal drinking age, I was shooting cocaine and heroin. How To Make Your Kids Smarter: 10 Steps Backed By Science. I’ve explored the science behind what makes kids happier, what type of parenting works best and what makes for joyful families. How We Unintentionally Harm Our Children (And Ourselves) - Emotional Obesity.

How We Unintentionally Harm Our Children (And Ourselves) - Emotional Obesity. This Is Why So Many Young Adults Live With Their Parents. Did You Have A ‘Blankie’ As A Kid? Here’s What That Says About Adult You - Dose - Stories Worth Sharing. From the ages of 2 to 5, my best friend was Couchie—a ratty corduroy pillowcase leftover from my parents' old couch. What started off as a full pillowcase with two sides and a zipper became, after years of smelling and face rubbing, a pile of loosely connected light brown threads that I would carry in a ball wherever I went. Couchie smelled like sweat and farts and something burning (smells I still love today). I inhaled so much of Couchie's being that I believe Couchie is now a part of me on a molecular level.

Couchie was my partner in crime, my bedtime buddy, and most of all, my source of soothing calm. Success: How Your Relationship With Your Mom Affects Career - Motto. Creating an Emotionally Supportive Home Environment. Update On What Happens When You Hit Your Kids. Want to Raise Resilient Kids? A Navy SEAL Says Always Do This. Causes of Students’ Emotional Fragility: Five Perspectives. 15 Anxiety Reducing Meditations To Use in Stressful Situations. New study suggests we're sending our kids to school too young.

Girls Aren't Meaner Than Boys. It Only Looks That Way. Helicopter Parenting – Why You Need to Let Your Children Be Free. While constantly hovering over your kids might seem like deep love and natural protective instincts, it can actually create lasting problems for your children. The Creative Gifts Of ADHD: Disorder Or Gift? Real Or Fictitious? The Link Between Parenting and Leadership. Photo Last Sunday morning, my 18-month-old grandson, Jonah, was scheduled to be the ring bearer at his aunt’s wedding. Meditation for Kids: 4 Ways to Start Kids Meditating. GARD Pro Not Registered By: MindBodyGreen In a world of sensory overload and school, family and internal pressures, kids need meditation as much as adults.

9 Ways Parents Can Prevent Bullying [EXPERT] 8 Types of Toxic Patterns in Mother-Daughter Relationships. Ten Tips to Get Kids Eating Healthy. Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD. In The Netherlands Sex Education Starts In Kindergarten: Here’s What They Tell Them & Why. Jennifer Senior: For parents, happiness is a very high bar. Kids expecting aggression from others become aggressive themselves: Children taught to be vigilant for hostility from others are prone to aggressive behavior. 7 Reasons Kids Need Us to Disagree. What I Wish More People Understood About Losing A Child. 10 Ideas To Help Our Children To Allow Their Individuality To Bloom. Why You Lied to Your Parents (and What They Really Knew) How to Parent Like a German. 15 Ways to Conquer Separation Anxiety in Children. Why Some Parents and their Children have Great Friendships.

‘Time-Outs’ Are Hurting Your Child. How Attention Deficit Disorder Can Help You Find Your Life Purpose. Why Teenagers Don't Talk to Their Parents and What you can do About it Now With Your Toddler. 3 Things a Parent Should Never Say to a Kid. Teaching Children How to Think Instead of What to Think. 7 Parenting Secrets That Change Lives. 3 Tips for Developing Fine Motor Control During Childhood. 5 Unconventional Tips for Coaching Kids.

Social Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits. 5 Childhood Mantras that are Poisoning Your Happiness. Unpacking the Science: How Playing Music Changes the Learning Brain. A 2-Minute Laughter Meditation For Parents And Children To Bond. The Race to Nowhere In Youth Sports. This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education. How To Raise Girls To Be Better At Negotiating. The F-ing Fours. Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids. Yoga Is the Answer to the Problems Children Face Today. 20 Ways to Prepare Young Athletes for Success in Sports and in Life. Study Shows That 40% of U.S. Kids Are Insecurely Attached. The Worst Idea in the World. Your Lifestyle Choices Are Killing You And Your Children. The Life-or-Death Reason Kids Need to Learn to Fail. Yoga Is the Answer to the Problems Children Face Today.

Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids. Helicopter Parenting—It's Worse Than You Think. Child Development Stages. 7 Spiritual Laws for Kids by Deepak Chopra M.D. - HealYourLife. 6 Spiritual Lessons I Learned From Being A Divorce Attorney. Christine Gross-Loh: Have American Parents Got It All Backwards?