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Boxe en France et capoeira au Brésil pour les personnes handicapées : intégrer, inclure, adapter. Entremêlements entre fonction sociale et intérêt personnel. L'innovation sociale et les organisations sportives associatives : le cas des clubs sportifs dans les quartiers populaires. Abstract : No English abstract available Résumé : Pour faire face à la « crise du lien social », le sport associatif est appelé par les politiques publiques, depuis les années 1980, à jouer un rôle d'intégration et d'insertion des populations considérées comme « en difficulté ».

L'innovation sociale et les organisations sportives associatives : le cas des clubs sportifs dans les quartiers populaires

Le cadre associatif est ainsi appréhendé comme un bastion pacificateur où se développe une citoyenneté et des comportements civiques complémentaires de l'école et de la famille. Pour autant, tous les clubs implantés au cœur, en périphérie ou à l'extérieur des quartiers populaires se préoccupent de façon inégale des problématiques socio-éducatives (CHARRIER, JOURDAN, 1999). Organiser la pratique sportive des personnes handicapées. Abstract : In the late 2000s, many mainstream sports federations are structured to organize a way of practicing sports for people with disabilities.

Organiser la pratique sportive des personnes handicapées

International and local transformations promote this new form of federal action. The transformation of international and local sports organizations promotes this new form of federal action. On a national level, public policies also encourage the federations to be more invested with people with disabilities. Les lieux de l'interaction. Fréquentation du stade et intégration sociale à Neuchâtel. Abstract : In February 2007, Neuchâtel celebrates the inauguration of a brand new soccer stadium.

Les lieux de l'interaction. Fréquentation du stade et intégration sociale à Neuchâtel

For the club of Neuchâtel Xamax, which has been facing economical difficulties since a long time, this infrastructure represents a promising bright future. Everyone praises without restraint the comfort of the new arena, which is described as a friendly place, convenient to encounters, able to attract bigger crowds of people for long festive afternoons dedicated to the soccer entertainment. The analysis of the real social impact of the modernisation of this type of infrastructure is nonetheless very tricky.

It implies not only a critical reflection on the attributes that can be considered as “socially virtuous” for the community, but also requires deciphering how the place works in its whole complexity. Le sport à la campagne : les connectivités sportives associatives dans la recomposition de la société rurale en Franche-Comté. Abstract : Today, the countryside is no longer exclusively a place for agricultural production.

Le sport à la campagne : les connectivités sportives associatives dans la recomposition de la société rurale en Franche-Comté

Indeed, new uses are appearing, amongst which, recreational activities (Urbain 2002, Perrier-Cornet, Hervieu, 2002). This thesis deals with associations and their role into the reorganization of the social and sports structure in rural society in Franche-Comté, with a focus on integration and/or exclusion. Our empirical work counts both quantitative and qualitative phases and can be compared to an analytical dive into the social life of the rural athletic clubs. There, we observe the mechanisms of sportsmen's involvement and uninvolvment by following their ‘career' within the associative structures. Sport, inclusion et innovation : le cas italien du "Baskin" (2001-2013) Abstract : Baskin (inclusive Basketball) was born in Italy in the early 2000s to allow the joint participation of so-called "able-bodied" players and players with disabilities.

Sport, inclusion et innovation : le cas italien du "Baskin" (2001-2013)

By focusing on the emergence of this new sport, this study aims to understand how well the sports logic can co-exist with the inclusive logic. The process of social innovation, as represented by the evolution of Baskin in Italy from 2001 to 2013, provides a privileged key for reading this study, which addresses the conflict arising from the tendency of sport to generate selection and homogeneity and the tendency of inclusion to value heterogeneity. To what extent does Baskin represent a new cultural model in sport and design an original form of social interaction ? Can it be considered an innovative democratic fiction situated in this paradoxical in-between which reconciles heterogeneity and competition and avoids at the same time the twin pitfalls of standardization and charitable welfarism ?

Le handicap physique au travail : évolutions, vécus et communication interne.Le cas des travailleurs sportifs et non sportifs. Abstract : In France, disability has undergone changes since the successive laws of 1975, 1987 and 2005.

Le handicap physique au travail : évolutions, vécus et communication interne.Le cas des travailleurs sportifs et non sportifs

Despite these developments, verbal discrimination, unemployment, low level of qualification and training, post adjustment of disabled workers, to employ persons with disabilities. Is the exclusion of workers with disabilities in companies really related to all these reasons? The social representations of disability seem to be the explanation for all this. The main need for disabled workers is to change and change representations about disability in the workplace. This for better integration, better socialization and better consideration of disability in companies.

Résumé : En France le handicap connaît des mutations depuis les lois successives de 1975,1987 et de 2005. Comprendre le développement et la structuration de « l’espace des « socio-sports » rennais. Abstract : The impetus given by the decentralized state’s organs and municipality contributed in the social and sports practices development in Rennes thanks to the structures action belonging to various sectors.

Comprendre le développement et la structuration de « l’espace des « socio-sports » rennais

We have been associated to this dynamic, has prompted us to undertake a thesis in order to draw a portrait on the socio-sports landscape. Funded by the Cercle Paul Bert, La Ligue de l’Enseignement and UFOLEP, our research focused on understanding, through a sociological and qualitative approach, how this last one developed and structured itself.

La socialisation par les sports collectifs : une approche conative auprès des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive.