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Institut national du patrimoine INP. Panthéon Sorbonne Paris 1 : Histoire de l'art et archéologie (UFR03) Ecole Supérieure d'Art d'Avignon. La mention Conservation-restauration des biens culturels. École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre (ENSAV) « Le conservateur-restaurateur d’œuvres d’art est responsable de l’examen, la conservation et la restauration du patrimoine culturel, en préservant le plus possible l’intégrité esthétique et historique de l’objet.

École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre (ENSAV)

Les conservateurs-restaurateurs peuvent être employés dans les musées, les services et institutions pour le patrimoine culturel ou travailler comme indépendants ou comme salariés dans une firme privée ou enseigner dans une école spécialisée. Ecole Supérieure des Arts - Saint-Luc Liège. Haute école Arc Conservation-restauration (HE-Arc CR) Haute école des arts de Berne (HEAB) Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) Abegg-Stiftung. Université Queen’s - Art Conservation. Université Ryerson - Préservation et gestion des collections, films et photographies. You are now in the main content area Program Overview Film and photography preservation has been redefined by digital technologies.

Université Ryerson - Préservation et gestion des collections, films et photographies

Responding to these dramatic changes, Ryerson’s F+PPCM program provides a rigorous and intensive professional education of applied and theoretical courses in the history, technology and intellectual organization of image and audiovisual collections. The only program of its kind in the world, F+PPCM offers a curriculum developed and delivered by a range of specialists, from historians and practitioners of photo- and film-based media to museum, library and archive professionals. The two-year course of study includes an internship and a second-year residency in a growing list of international partner museums and institutions. PDF fileDownload the program brochure How to Apply Once you’ve chosen your desired program(s), preparing your application requires careful research and planning. Financing Your Studies. [AT] Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. The study program Conservation and Restoration is devoted to the conservation of works of art and of cultural artifacts which merit regard as irreplaceable documents owing to their respective historical, artistic and cultural value, and whose conservation is therefore of public interest.

[AT] Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

In a wider context, the conservation of our cultural heritage is defined as a part of Human Rights.(1) The basic tasks of the graduates is to conserve such works for the benefit of current and future generations. The education offered by the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, is considered to be comprehensive with respect to the general basics and the intellectual superstructure of the discipline, while also providing specialist training in the given framework of the study focuses offered: For details of the course content and objectives, please refer to § 2 and § 3 of the syllabus. Admission: Admission examinations for the study program Conservation / Restoration are held in February, once a year. [IT] ISCR - Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro. [NL] Conservation and Restoration, Amsterdam.

Art Conservation, M.A., C.A.S. -Buffalo State, NY. About the Program This three-year master of arts program prepares students for careers as professional conservators to care for works of artistic, historical, or cultural significance, from famous paintings to family heirlooms.

Art Conservation, M.A., C.A.S. -Buffalo State, NY

The instructional program, which includes a 12-month internship at a museum or other institution, provides students with a broad background in conservation to help ensure continued professional growth throughout their careers. In their second year, students select objects, paintings, or paper conservation as a specialty. They may choose to focus on a subspecialty, such as ethnographic or archaeological objects, photographs, or books. A certificate of advanced study in art conservation is awarded with the M.A. degree.

Admission Requirements 1. 2. 3. B. chemistry-16 credit hours: a two-semester introductory (general) chemistry lecture course with accompanying laboratory sections and a two-semester organic chemistry sequence with accompanying laboratory sections. The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. UCLA/Getty Program in Archaeological and Ethnographic Conservation. The aim of the UCLA/Getty Master's Program on the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials is to provide students with a solid educational base and practical training in both archaeological and ethnographic materials, as well as an appreciation of the often complex range of issues relating to significance, access, and use of these materials, which—in many cases—sets them apart from fine art or historical materials.

UCLA/Getty Program in Archaeological and Ethnographic Conservation

The program facilitates an understanding of the multiple values and meanings these materials may still have for indigenous populations, and fosters a sense of partnership with stakeholder communities in relevant aspects of conservation decision making. University of Delaware. University of Southampton. L'Ecole du Patrimoine Africain-EPA. Détails Mis à jour : 2 mars 2017 Affichages : 24107 L'Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), qui a statut d'organisation internationale au Bénin, est un établissement universitaire de 2ème cycle à vocation internationale, spécialisé dans la conservation et la médiation du patrimoine culturel tangible et intangible.

L'Ecole du Patrimoine Africain-EPA

Elle propose à 26 pays d'Afrique subsaharienne francophone, hispanophone et lusophone, de former des professionnels de la conservation et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel. Ayant débuté avec une mission essentiellement axée sur la conservation, la gestion et la médiation des collections dans les musées africains, l’EPA a ensuite diversifié ses activités en s’occupant des bibliothèques et des archives, puis en passant au patrimoine bâti et au patrimoine immatériel.

Elle dispose d'une autonomie financière et reçoit des financements de divers bailleurs. [Maroc] L'Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoine (I.N.S.A.P.)