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Idiomas 81

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Filología. | Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Deutsch lernen online mit interaktiven Aufgaben. Vocabuario, gramática y lecturas en lenguas extranjeras. Le bureau | French: Vocabulary Guide: Business. Le bureau le classeur à tiroirs. le dossier les documents m. la machine à écrire le scotch le ruban adhesif le trombone la punaise la note la corbeille l'agrafeuse f. l'agrafe f. l'enveloppe f. le blanc correcteur,le tipex le photocopieur la serviette la loupe le calendrier les salutations f. la poignée de mains le salutfaire un salut (v) l'etreinte f.serrer quelqu'un dan ses bras (v) le baiser, le bisou familierembrasser (v)

MLA International Bibliography. Forvo: diccionario de pronunciación. Todas las palabras que existen pronunciadas por hablantes nativos. Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom. BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips. Schools: Educational resources from the BBC. Aprenda Inglés - BBC Mundo - Temas. How to pronounce words | Pronunciación en Inglés | Pronuncia in inglese. Hear and see videos with authentic word pronunciations and example sentences. Español: Pronunciación en Inglés con vídeo · Italiano: Pronuncia in inglese con video Português: Pronúncia em Inglês com vídeo · Français: Prononciation en anglais avec la vidéo Press play to watch and hear the speaker use 'salmon,' and then use the instant replay/loop button to review the pronunciation as many times as you need.

Search for a word and you'll not only get audio of how to pronounce it, but also tagged videos of real people in real situations naturally speaking and using the word in context. Try it on the left for the word "salmon" which is often mispronounced. Virtual Face-to-Face Pronunciations: With videos like the above, you get to not only hear the word but actually see facial gestures that different people use to produce pronunciations. Non-isolated Pronunciations: In real life, words are typically not pronounced in isolation. Why a pronunciation dictionary? - EmbedPlus Team. OLAC.