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Cenas en 10 minutos con pescado y marisco. Seguimos con nuestras sugerencias de cenas rápidas, sabrosas y saludables, hoy a base de pescado, moluscos y marisco.

Cenas en 10 minutos con pescado y marisco

Pensadas para gente que llega a la hora de la cena con las fuerzas -o las neuronas- justas para poner Quién Quiere Casarse Con Mi Hijo o enchufar Netflix y olvidarse del trabajo, el monotema y la vida en general hasta el día siguiente. Cuando solo unas tripas rugientes te separan de tu dosis diaria de RuPaul, Narcos o El ministerio del tiempo vienen muy bien las ideas para cenar en pocos minutos con conservas de pescado, pechuga de pollo, huevos o legumbres (me lo ha contado una amiga, claro).

Si quieres tener una cierta capacidad de improvisación y no depender de lo que quede en la pescadería a última hora, intenta tener siempre algunos filetes congelados (calamares, langostinos o gambas también ayudarán). Pásalos a la nevera por la mañana y cuando los vayas a usar estarán perfectamente descongelados. En crudo A la sartén En una olla Al microondas. How to cook perfect jerk chicken. If you're familiar with any aspect of Caribbean cuisine, then it will almost certainly be jerk.

How to cook perfect jerk chicken

Let's face it: spicy, crisply barbecued chicken or pork are an easier sell for most of us than hard food or stew peas. Native to Jamaica, the tradition began with the indigenous Taíno people who would cook their meat over fires made from the aromatic wood of the island's allspice trees – still the only way, devotees claim, to get that really authentic flavour (no one seems to import it the UK, so I'll have to take their word for it). Jerk's distinctive seasoning – hot peppers, sweet allspice berries, thyme and ginger – however, is credited to the African slaves brought to the island by its Spanish and British colonisers, who also introduced the cooking pits which were traditionally used for jerk until the advent of the modern oil drum.

The bird Wet v dry: there's the rub The soy sauce also penetrates the meat to provide a lovely savoury flavour. Herbs and spices Cooking method Serves 6. Savoury mighty muffins. Storecupboard challenge: bay leaves. The oft-forgotten bay leaf is the challenge for our inaugural Storecupboard Challenge chef, Tom Kitchin. Photograph: Jill Mead for the Guardian These wee green leaves are the essence of many dishes and the foundation of much flavoursome cooking.

If I'm looking to add a little lift, I almost always reach for bay leaves – either on their own or as part of a classic bouquet garni. So think of bay as more of a spice than a herb: it's at its best when used with other ingredients to enhance herbal warmth or depth of spice. Originally from the Mediterranean, bay is part of the laurel family, and one of the very few herbs to grow as a tree, which also makes them very different in the way they are enjoyed in food. I tend to use fresh leaves; look out for ones with no cracks or blemishes. Three ways with bay• Bay-infused rice puddings – add 1 bay leaf to 500ml milk, 100g pudding rice, 60g sugar and 1 vanilla pod, and cook until soft. 1 Heat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. In the kitchen with: the hungry girls’ sweet potato, green bean and smoked paprika salad. I really liked the work of Australian cookbook authors the Hungry Girls that was featured here on Design*Sponge not so long ago.

in the kitchen with: the hungry girls’ sweet potato, green bean and smoked paprika salad

I immediately got in touch with them to see what we could cook up for this column. They gave me several ideas, and since I love sweet potatoes, we agreed on a Sweet Potato, Green Bean and Smoked Paprika Salad. The 10 best nut recipes. Absolutely almond cake Simply heaven for almond fans, but you could make it with ground pistachios if you prefer.

The 10 best nut recipes

Best served in very small squares alongside an espresso to balance the sweetness. Keeps for up to five days in an airtight tin. How to make the perfect chicken tagine. Reading this on mobile?

How to make the perfect chicken tagine

Click here to view the video The jewel in the crown of Moroccan cuisine – although couscous, crispy pigeon b'stilla pies and those sticky sweet date pastries also deserve a look-in – the tagine is a stew that takes its name from the heavy earthenware pot in which it is slow cooked, traditionally over an open fire, or bed of charcoal. How to cook the perfect Christmas dinner. Turkey and gravy Thanks to a national fondness for tradition, turkey remains the centrepiece of most festive celebrations in this country, despite its reputation for tinder-dry blandness.

How to cook the perfect Christmas dinner

A good bird does have several things going for it, apart from its immense size, however – matchless trimmings being the principle attraction as far as I'm concerned. But how on earth do you achieve that elusive combination of juicy meat and crisp savoury skin to make it worthy of those pigs in blankets? Delia Smith claims to come from "a long line of turkey cooks", so I'm happy to put bird number one on her capable hands. Her apparently foolproof method involves basting the bird generously with melted butter, seasoning it, topping with streaky bacon and then wrapping it festively in foil, while leaving enough room for the air to circulate during cooking.