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Meatless Monday Meatless Sliders. It’s Meatless Monday and we’re havin’ a slider party!

Meatless Monday Meatless Sliders

And yes, folks that’s a meatless slider. Inside that lovely little homemade dinner roll is a scrumptious little veggie burger topped with smoked Gouda and drizzled with a very tasty tamari soy reduction. More about that reduction later, but the little veggie burger inside our slider was one of the best I’ve had. I got the recipe from the files of the Culinary School of the Rockies (see sidebar), and unlike other veggie burgers I’ve tasted, this one was super moist and flavorful. It also held together really well. Our tasty little mini burger is comprised of a combination of breadcrumbs, eggs, grated carrots, chopped mushrooms, toasted hazelnuts, grated onion and a little milk.

Of course, you can top these sliders with anything you want, but that tamari sauce may have just stolen the show. Although these sliders would be perfect for your next Meatless Monday Night Football party, I think they’re good enough for any party. "One Good Thing" by Jillee: How to Microwave Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag (and make it look cute too!) Guaranteed Crispy Sweet Potato Fries & Sriracha Mayo Dip. Right here, right now I am going to teach you how to make crispy sweet potato fries.

Guaranteed Crispy Sweet Potato Fries & Sriracha Mayo Dip

But first … Let’s get one thing straight. A sweet potato french fry is not a real french fry. Grilled Cheese Rolls ~ A Fun Spin on an American Classic! A fun spin on an American Classic... ...Dip these simple Grilled Cheese Rolls in a bowl of piping hot tomato soup or ramekin of your favorite marinara ~ and I dare you ~ I dare you to eat just one!

All you'll have to do is... cut the crusts off your bread, here I used a soft wheat. Flatten your crustless bread squares with a rolling pin and then top with one piece of American Cheese (do not be tempted to use more cheese, in this case one is enough) Here I used fresh, deli sliced, Land O'Lakes yellow American Cheese - YUM! Roll your cheese squares up and then cook them in a pan with melted butter over medium heat (SEAM SIDE DOWN FIRST TO SECURE THEM) (rolling occasionally in the buttered pan to crisp all sides) until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and your Grilled Cheese Rolls are ready to enjoy! Pin It. Fresh Food Friday: 100 Healthy Snack Ideas. Join our page on Facebook for our latest recipes and projects!

Fresh Food Friday: 100 Healthy Snack Ideas

Happy Friday! I did pretty well this week . . . Tasty Kitchen Blog - StumbleUpon. I first discovered panko bread crumbs back in 1999.

Tasty Kitchen Blog - StumbleUpon

Please don’t ask me how I know that; I just do. I remember vividly reading a recipe that contained panko bread crumbs, and I remember vividly that I was nursing my second baby, and I remember vividly that I was hormonal and desperate, and the next thing I knew I was ordering panko bread crumbs from some market in Chelsea that the magazine recommended. On the phone, of course, because although I had a computer at the time, I certainly wouldn’t have been cool enough to use it to order panko bread crumbs. Plus, I was nursing. Not enough hands. Panko bread crumbs, in a word, are delicious. Panko are Japanese breadcrumbs, and are lighter and flakier than regular breadcrumbs. A Different Way to Serve Fresh Watermelon. Watermelon ‘Cake’ I saw this watermelon cake idea in the August issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine.

A Different Way to Serve Fresh Watermelon. Watermelon ‘Cake’

This is a cute, fun, unique way to serve fresh watermelon. And I’m not the only one who excitedly tried this; checkout ‘messy thrilling life’ blog who also tried Martha Stewart Living Magazine watermelon cake. Thankyou Martha! Martha Stewart Living Magazine serves the watermelon cake plain, thats what I’ve done too. But if you want to jazz it up, here are some suggestions: - sprinkle a little lime juice or lime zest on top - top with chopped basil or mint - sprinkle some feta cheeseand balsamic vinegar over the watermelon “cake” - drizzle a little tequila or rum or cachaca Wash and wipe a seedless watermelon. Lay it down horizontally.

Cut about one thirds from the other end. Lay the middle third (the watermelon ”cake”) on a serving platter. Now take the two ends of the water melon. Now arrange these balls on top of the water melon ‘”cake”. Comments comments. Homemade Goldfish Crackers. There are amazing recipes all over the internets—impressive cakes and cookies, pies galore, delicious pasta dishes, fantastic dinner ideas, and so much more.

Homemade Goldfish Crackers

But what has had me a little stumped were homemade crackers. Homemade crackers? Who in the world has time to make homemade crackers? They looked like they’d be difficult and totally something I wouldn’t be able to pull off. But when these Homemade Goldfish Crackers from Erin popped up here on Tasty Kitchen, I decided to try my hand at them. Let me tell ya, they were pretty darn easy. Wanna see how? Before getting started, decide on what shapes you’ll be cutting out. Homemade Rock Candy.