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Kids and Things for the Future

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Giant Bubbles! Have you ever seen those gigantic bubbles at shows or festivals and wondered how they were made?

Giant Bubbles!

I recently came across a tutorial on The Childhood Magic website, and knew we had to make a giant bubble wand. These are extremely easy to make, and so much fun! The kids have spent hours outside making bubbles. My boy is quite good at making some monstrously huge one, and my girl is extremely good at popping them. :) i can give you a brief explanation on how they are made, and you can check the tuorial above for picture and more description if you need it. You'll need 2 wooden dowels.2 screw in eye hooks.100% Cotton cord or yarn.a metal washer or addition eye hook to use as a weight. So all you do is screw an eye hooks into the end of each dowel. That's it! I could take pictures of these all day! It took my boy a little while to get the hang of it, but then once he got it he was a bubble making expert. Miss Sage wasn't quite big enough to do these. i think our dowels were a bit too long.

100 Ways to be Kind to your Child. When I wrote this list of 100 Ways to be Kind to Your Child I was in one of those exhausting phases of parenting where days were going by in a blur and I often went to bed feeling defeated and guilty.

100 Ways to be Kind to your Child

Thus, these ways to be kind are not complex or fancy; they are basically a reminder to myself of the simple ways I can connect with and be there for my children. Many of them will remind you of ways you already are showing your love to your kids.Thank you for spreading kindness for our children. Tell your child: Untitled. Wednes-DIY Home Décor: The Light Bulb Vase. This week we’re sharing some of the blog’s greatest hits!

Wednes-DIY Home Décor: The Light Bulb Vase

These are some of our most loved posts by you, our amazing readers. Don’t throw away those old light bulbs just yet! I have a fun, easy DIY for you that will brighten up your home decor or workspace :) This DIY is very simple, but it requires working with glass so you definitely need to be careful! What you need: A light bulb (any shape or size will work!)

, pliers and gardening wire. Step One: First you need to remove the little silver layer on the bottom of the light bulb. Step Two: Now you have to remove the black cap from the bottom of the light bulb. Step Three: Once the black glass was removed it was really easy to get the little glass tube and wiring on the inside of the bulb out – I simply tapped it with the pliers and it broke right off. And now you have your empty lightbulb! Step Four: Add flowers and water, and hang with the gardening wire! Now I want to make more! Follow FP Julia on twitter. Newest Items to make your life easier.

Future stuff

How To Make Pom Pom Tissue Flowers. You knew i was going to make one. They are all over pinterest....

you knew i was going to make one.

(i still am not signed up for pinterest because i don't have time for one more thing but browsing is fun!) So we made one. i took a box of 64 crayons and took out the blacks and browns.i used another small box and doubled up on the good colors i liked and hot glued them to the top of our canvas. then we turned our blow dryer to hot on high. not long after you set the hair dryer by the crayons they get shiny and then the wax starts to melt! And it dries really quickly too. seriously. what could be happier than this?? GREAT project. loved it today is the first FULL day with ALL my kids in ALL day school.yeah...i am smiling as i type that. it's good. it's quiet. i am rockin' it. removing wallpaper.....making code for craft weekend stuff.....doing my hair....going to lunch.....