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Technologypd / web20 workshop. Welcome Workshop Overview The purpose of this workshop is to introduce partciapnts to Web 2.0. Topics covered in this session will include: 21st Centrury LearningBlogsRSSigoogle, google readeriTunes - podcastsWikisOther tools (iTunes, TeacherTube, YouTube, Slideshare, Skype, etc) Students will be introduced to in an online community using Web 2.0 (blogs, rss, wikis and other tools) which allow for collaboration, creativity and innovation when integrating technology into learning.

Did you Know? Did you Know? Pay Attention Link - Web 2.0 - The Machine is Us/ing Us Link to Professor Walsh's Video Link to Professor Walsh's explanation of video link (video shaking stops after 20 seconds) A Vision of Students Today (college) Another video by Professor Walsh Link and more links from Professor Walsh YouTube Playlist - Several videos will play Note: This is a Web 2.0 Playlist that I created on Web 2.0 tools. Route 21. Cybersafety educational resources for teachers and schools. Professional development The Cybersmart Outreach program has been in high demand since its introduction, with many schools booking for repeat presentations.

Over 2015 the ACMA will be placing a high priority on visiting those schools who have already registered, but have not yet received, one of our presentations. For this reason, from Find out more about our expanding virtual classroom program, covering issues such as cyberbullying and how to stay safe and secure online. #GameOn Aimed at upper primary / lower secondary students, #GameOn is a video series following the online experiences of a group friends.

Topics covered include: Cyberbullying Excessive gaming Sharing passwords Free downloads Online friends. DC_implementation. Digital Citizenship 7-12. Techguide.pdf. Policy Priorities:Can Social Media and School Policies be "Friends"?:Can Social Media and School Policies be "Friends"? Winter 2011 | Volume 17 | Number 4 Can Social Media and School Policies be "Friends"? Between 2004 and 2009, the amount of time that kids ages 2 to 11 spent online increased by 63 percent, according to a Nielsen study. Driving these trends is increasing mobile access, which research from International Data Corp. predicts will eclipse wired access to the Internet by 2015. "There's no reason schools shouldn't compete with other social media sites for part of this time," Karl Meinhardt, director of social media for the Idaho Technology Council, told the social media news blog Mashable.

Many schools are realizing the "horse is out of the barn," in terms of social networking and kids, Freehold Regional High School District Superintendent Charles Sampson told the Asbury Park Press. "To try to pretend otherwise would be foolish on our part," he said. His district recently went from banning social media in the classroom to encouraging it as a learning tool. Federal Legislation Districts Adapt.

Social%20Media%20Policy%20-%20Students. On-line Social Networking Policy - Trinity Anglican School Cairns. Overview Social Networking Sites (SNS), Blogs (Web Logs) and World Wide Web (WWW) Personal Web Sites (PWS) must be considered as documents that are published within the public domain. Such sites allow the free sharing of information and opinions. While they have their place in private life, they may cause problems within a school community on several levels. Information placed on these sites may be useful, entertaining, and providing a medium for friends to share experiences, photographs, messages and generally to stay in touch. On the other hand entries may breach privacy conventions or regulations, may be considered to be "cyber bullying"; they may be defamatory, obscene, libellous or just inappropriate.

Information published on the WWW, including that in SNS and blogs should be considered to be permanently published. Students Student use of SNS whilst at school is forbidden. Cyber Bullying, Peer Pressure, Spam Advice to Students Employees of TAS - Teaching Staff Teacher-Student Relations. DecdSocialMediaPolicy. 2013-ASLA-futures-paper.pdf. Podcasts In Education. Although the concept of streaming media has been around almost as long as the Internet itself, and Podcasts specifically since 2000, the use of Podcasts in education has recently experienced a growth spurt around the world. Education is not generally known for its quick adoption of new technologies. There are still districts that don’t have a presence on the Internet, although I would be surprised to find some that don’t communicate electronically. However, Podcasts are quickly gaining popularity in the educational environment. This article will discuss what Podcasts are, why and how they are used in education, and the basics of creating Podcasts.

What is a Podcast? I won’t take much space here to try and give a full history and description of a Podcast. A Podcast can be defined as a media file that is freely available for download from the Internet automatically with software that can handle RSS feeds. Education as a Consumer Podcasts should have a planned presence in your classroom. How One School Uses Social Media To Empower Parents And Students. Kristin Magette, Communications Director at Eudora School District in Eudora, Kansas, recently shared how Eudora Public Schools had set out to create a “digital-friendly school district.”

The interview tells a great story about how they created a highly effective social media program used to better communicate with parents and enrich student learning. A key part of the initiative was the introduction of a district-wide social media program. The program embraced social media as a primary communications channel and a powerful tool for connecting with parents and students, and empowered teachers to use social media in the classroom. The results: Improved parent communication, enriched student learning, increased community involvement, and powerful professional networking for teachers.

The complete interview is available as an audio podcast on both SoundCloud and iTunes . Part One How and why Eudora School District embraced social media, overcoming concerns and managing risks. Part Two Part Four. How Social Media Improved An Entire School District. A few days ago, we shared a video interview with Kristin Magette, Communications Director at Eudora School District in Eudora, Kansas, who shared how Eudora Public Schools had set out to create a “digital-friendly school district.” Kristin also shared some thoughts on social media and their digital friendly school district in a guest post for the folks who helped them plan out and set up these services.

We thought that she offered some excellent insight, and her guest post includes a few links to the district’s social media efforts so that you can see for yourselves what they’ve been working on. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. At school, they make us nervous. We hear stories about teachers losing their jobs and students losing their innocence. We see the nasty rumors and insults that can flourish online. Wrong. We live in the digital world. Using social media, video and blogs as teaching tools. By far, the liveliest place you’™ll find us is on our district’™s Facebook Page .

The Case For Social Media in Schools. A year after seventh grade teacher Elizabeth Delmatoff started a pilot social media program in her Portland, Oregon classroom, 20% of students school-wide were completing extra assignments for no credit, grades had gone up more than 50%, and chronic absenteeism was reduced by more than a third. For the first time in its history, the school met its adequate yearly progress goal for absenteeism.

At a time when many teachers are made wary by reports of predators and bullies online, social media in the classroom is not the most popular proposition. Teachers like Delmatoff, however, are embracing it rather than banning it. They argue that the educational benefits of social media far outweigh the risks, and they worry that schools are missing out on an opportunity to incorporate learning tools the students already know how to use. What started as a Facebook-like forum where Delmatoff posted assignments has grown into a social media component for almost every subject. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.