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@Emk82K @MrARawlings @ClareSealy @jon_brunskill @MrBoothY6 :) UNICEF TraditionalGames resource. Rohrer&Pashler2012MedEd. Some visual comprehensions for my Y2 class when we go back. #PrimaryRocks #ukedchat. My Observation Checklist. Stephen Tierney sur Twitter : "NEW POST: Observing Lessons, So What's Changed? Build up your evidence base from a variety of sources over time" RobertMacmillan sur Twitter : "#growthmindset Download it (word) (pdf) (pages) JustMaths sur Twitter : "Book expectations poster from this post-> LINK to an editable version> David Weston sur Twitter : "You *must not* miss the ESAG website ( for specialist subject guidance KS1-3. Primary grammar, punctuation and spelling, Oxford University Press. Flipping Staff Meetings The Why, How, and What to Get you Started – Amy Arbogash | THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR.

Going into my 15th year as a teacher, I have been through a lot of staff meetings. This may surprise you, but they are not a highlight of my job. In fact, I never found them particularly helpful in my practice. Most of the information in typical staff meetings I have sat through could have been sent in an email. With the change of the role of a principal into a lead learner, instructional coach, and leader why not take the time you have at staff meetings and transform them into innovative, collaborative, relevant work time for your teachers? Flipping Staff Meetings – The Why Education in our nation has come upon transformative times. Three years ago my two principals and I were faced with an oncoming initiative in our middle school: a 1:1 digital transformation.

We knew we had to do something different to take on the challenge of preparing them for such a drastic change. Flipping Staff Meetings – The How Flipped classrooms are not new and have been used successfully for years. The Flip. The CPD test. By Robert Coe, Philippa Cordingley, Steve Higgins, Toby Greany. Our recent review, ‘Developing Great Teaching’[1], written for the Teacher Development Trust by colleagues from CUREE, UCL IoE and Durham has been widely reported as saying that traditional INSET days and a one-size-fits-all approach do not work. These headlines are right, but the full messages from the report are quite complex. Are there some clear recommendations that teachers can use to help them make better choices about what kinds of CPD they do?

Yes, and they are in the report. It is not long (11 pages) or technical and every teacher should read it, especially if they have an interest in or responsibility for professional development. . [1] Cordingley, P., Higgins, S., Greany, T., Buckler, N., Coles-Jordan, D., Crisp, B., Saunders, L., Coe, R. (2015) Developing Great Teaching: Lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development. Creating Classroom Environments: Charts to Start the Year | TWO WRITING TEACHERS.

UKEdChat sur Twitter : "UKEdMag: Traditional Ways to Engage Boys by @pw2tweets. Brian Marks sur Twitter : "Making Learning Visible: Doodling Helps Memories Stick: #edchat #mathchat #teaching" Barriers to Effective CPD. This is a slide from the presentation I gave at the SWAT Conference in Poole – the full slides are embedded in this post. However, without a commentary, the presentation is not entirely self-explanatory so someone asked me to flesh this bit out. My talk was about setting up an effective CPD culture.

In one section I ran through some of the barriers that I’ve encountered in various contexts: Time: too ad hoc, too inflexible, insufficient. In planning CPD, it’s obviously important to consider the time constraints. The blind leading the blind Although excellent CPD can flow from teachers working in groups sharing ideas, it can be problematic if the groups don’t have people in them who can drive things forward, offering challenge and/or contemporary knowledge of the issues at hand. A Bang and a Whimper This is the classic ‘visiting speaker’ pitfall. Plantation Thinking I’ve explored this idea more extensively in my plantation vs rainforest post. Opportunity Costs: Deckchairs on the Titanic. Getting Started with Lesson Study. The NTEN Lesson Study Cycle. As part of our CPD programme this year, we’ve joined the newly formed National Teacher Enquiry Network.

It offers a superb framework to help us deliver the best CPD programme we can. A central feature of NTEN is the support offered for the development of Lesson Study. I’ve been reading about this for a while now but it was the clarity of the NTEN materials that made me feel we should embrace it. At KEGS our approach has been to follow our familiar ‘rainforest’ change process: to create the conditions, sow the seeds, and then allow the ideas to flourish organically supported by some modelling. Given that my Head of Science, Stephen, volunteered, I offered to join him and we then recruited a third member of the science team, Richard, to form a trio. Year 9 Science Lesson Study Meeting over lunch, with food provided, Stephen, Richard and I planned our first cycle.

The key to making it work was to get the calendar out. The Lesson One group of three. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amjad Ali sur Twitter : "What actually is quality first teaching? (Research led?) Ideas for Teaching Better. All In One Place. So many ideas to share! Most of the blogs I write that get a good response are the ones about teaching. Thankfully. I’d write a book but a) it takes too much time b) the money is terrible and c) I’d just be repeating everything I’ve already written here. It would be called ‘Into the Rainforest of Teaching and Learning’. I like the organic metaphor because it captures something of the mystery, complexity and beauty of teaching well.

This post is my very lazy outline for that book; another way of bringing some ideas together in one place. Rainforest Thinking From Plantation Thinking to Rainforest Thinking: it’s quite a journey I like the idea that learning is ‘lush, diverse, unpredictable, evolving, daunting, exciting’. Great Lessons Although I’d change a few things, I’m still very happy with this series as a way to capture the essence of great lessons, especially the focus on habits rather than strategies. 1.

Pedagogy Postcards 10 Silver Arrows If you do just one thing, do this…. Like this: