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Адреса. Том, не сегодня. To sebastian, you git. To Jim; (you Bastard) Mrsmustachejay asked: Hey there! I tried to avoid your blog for quite a while now. Last time I read all your posts so far & cried for about an hour or sth... What you're doing is quite destructive to a fangirl's heart. And I'm very glad & thankfull for you doing it! First off, thank you for giving in! Second off, this questions came at the perfect time! Anyway, there will be a give away when I get the book done. Written Log: Day 0 / 4:43am / June 15, 2011. He gets the call when the sun’s just coming up, but he misses it. Now, he gets up. So he dresses, grabs his keys and his sniper case, cleaned and polished from the long night previously. He locks the door behind him. Nothing happened until he set up in a window across from the hospital. Read More OOC Note: Not over yet! Hi everyone!

And I would also like to tell everyone that this isn’t the end. So, just stick around a little bit longer and all the questions will be answered! P.S. The blog of Dr. John. H. Watson. Sherlock_series: Эндрю Скотт: новая фотосессия. Sherlock_series: Любимый злодей. Несмотря на напряженный съемочный процесс, в котором участвует все сообщество, предлагаю передохнуть и насладиться главным злодеем всех времен и народов. Само собой навеяло композицию с соответствующим названием. Желаю всем приятного дня! Гифки за авторством Тумблер-юзера playinggay-jimfromit. Sherlock_series: Фотосессия Эндрю Скотта.