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Las macabras leyendas que dan origen a 'La Bella y la Bestia' Los mitos, esas narraciones que explican el mundo de manera mágica y literaturizada, no son cuentos inocentes que les leemos a los niños antes de irse a la cama (aunque lo hagamos). Por el contrario, en las sociedades tradicionales los mitos eran la manera de establecer en el inconsciente colectivo algunas regulaciones sociales y morales básicas —el incesto, por ejemplo, está prohibido en prácticamente todas las culturas a través de diferentes relatos indirectos que, sin embargo, presentan siempre rasgos comunes.

Y aunque ya no creemos en la existencia de señores con patas de caballo o pueblos donde todo el mundo tiene cabeza de perro (y ni siquiera está demasiado claro que los griegos lo hicieran) estos mitos siguen traspasándose de generación a generación por medio de cuentos populares, leyendas urbanas, exempla medievales, películas y cómics. Sus argumentos se van adaptando a las necesidades de cada generación que los acoge para prohibir, explicar o construir diferentes ideas.

La risa, por Fiódor Dostoievski | Calle del Orco. «Yo tengo la idea de que cuando un hombre ríe, la mayoría de las veces es una cosa que repugna contemplar. La risa manifiesta de ordinario en las personas un no sé qué de vulgar y de envilecedor, aunque el que ríe casi nunca sepa nada de la impresión que está produciendo. Lo ignora, lo mismo que se ignora por lo general la cara que se tiene durmiendo. Hay durmientes que cuyo rostro sigue pareciendo inteligente, y otros, inteligentes por lo demás, que, al dormirse, adquieren un rostro estúpido y hasta ridículo. Ignoro a qué se debe eso: quiero decir solamente que el reidor, como el durmiente, lo más ordinario es que no sepa nada de su rostro. Hay una multitud extraordinaria de hombres que no saben reír en absoluto. En realidad, no se trata de saber: es un don que no se adquiere. O bien, para adquirirlo, es preciso rehacer la propia educación, hacerse mejor y triunfar de sus malos instintos: entonces la risa de un hombre así podría muy probablemente mejorarse.

Me gusta: Relacionado. Life is Always Speaking. Listen. – umair haque. Life is always telling us how to live. But we’re usually not listening. Someone doesn’t love you back. What this really means is that love is not arising between you. Yet the less it does, the more fiercely you cling, crave, need. A job isn’t making you happy. A way of thinking isn’t making you fulfilled. Life is always telling us how to live it. We are the ones who aren’t listening. How can life always be guiding us?

The wave can fight the ocean. The question is where we are in this ocean. The ocean flowing us through all is always guiding us. Our only real task in this life is to learn how to hear this ocean, see this ocean, be this ocean. So just listen. UmairLondonJuly 2016. Alone in Thailand: How I Built a Meaningful Life From Scratch in 8 Days on a New Continent. I write this article sitting comfortably in my beautiful, expansive office in the old city of Chiang Mai, sipping on a marshmallow frappuccino, intermittently exchanging texts with my Thai female friend (for lack of a better term) about what part of Thailand we’re going to explore tonight on scooter.

Life right now is serene and passionate, full of possibilities, potentialities, and aliveness. I feel, dare I say, happy. However. When I arrived in Thailand 8 days ago, within moments of entering my apartment I truly entertained the thought that I would die here. I expected to feel homesickness at some point during my six-week stay but not in the first hour.

I felt isolated, cut off, as if I was separated from everything I knew and loved by thousands of miles — I was. The heat was not something I prepared for, nor could I. Back at the apartment, my temporary hiding place, things were their own kind of bad. Of course, I did survive, and then I thrived — humans can be good at that. “Really? 18 personas explican la demostración de riqueza más obscena que han presenciado. "Solía trabajar una una óptica de alto standing. Tuve un cliente que se gastó 15.000 dólares en gafas en una hora. Iba vestido con un peto manchado de pintura y suciedad, y nadie quería atenderle. Cuando pidió gafas Cartier los demás pensaban que nos iba a robar. Resulta que el cliente era (el compositor) Andre Rieu. La mejor comisión de ventas de mi vida". "A un tipo de mi instituto le venían a buscar cada día con un Rolls Royce antiguo.

"Una vez gané un pase VIP a una discoteca de Moscow. "El Castillo de Hearst". "Un tipo de mi pueblo se compró un helicóptero. "Conocí al director general de la compañía para la que trabajo y le dije que me gustaba su reloj. "Trabajo para un hombre rico que una vez me hizo volar en un jet privado hasta la otra punta del país para recoger 6 fresas perfectas de una variedad tradicional que cuestan 100 dólares por un paquete de seis. "David Tepper, un gestor de fondos de inversión billonario se marchó de Nueva Jersey. "Trabajo en una tienda de zapatos. I Want to be the First to Put Out the Fire in Your Bong. I’m going to preface this tirade with a few facts about myself as I, a writer, am a self-indulgent monster of a person.

I do not use drugs. I do not smoke. I do not drink. I do not care. Pay attention to that last one if you’re ever in a conversation with me. I recognize the absurdity of believing marijuana should remain illegal when much more dangerous and addictive substances have been readily available and ingrained in American culture for ages. As I understand it, I’m likely to be preaching to the choir here. Setting all this optimism aside, however, here’s where I deviate from the norm. In fact, I’d go so far as to say… Stoner culture is the single greatest threat to its own cause. If there’s one thing I just love seeing, it’s the number 42o. A desk in a classroom? A bathroom stall?

On a road sign? On a sidewalk? A local small business? It’s a great number and it can really fit just about anywhere. Maybe go home and smoke pot? I asked him what we’d be doing. “I dunno,” he responded. Watching This 79 Year-Old Grandma Play Skyrim Is Adorable and Inspiring. Even the most beloved gaming franchises show their age in just a few years, thanks to rapidly advancing technology, but a well-done remaster can bring breathe new life into an old classic. Publishers are definitely cashing in on fans' desire to replay their nostalgic favorites, but con-sarnit, they aren't milking that cow fast enough. There are still tons of games that could use the HD remake treatment, and we've listed a few ideas below. 1.

Red Dead Redemption As many players discovered when it was added to Xbox One backwards compatibility, Red Dead Redemption still looks great. 2. You can play the first few Mario games on almost any Nintendo platform you own, but it gets a little trickier when it comes to the 3D entries. 3. There's a reason Nintendo chose The Wind Waker for an HD upgrade; the cel-shaded visuals simply hold up better than traditional art styles when you crank up the resolution. 4. If we're being honest, what we really want here is a Mercenaries 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Señor yihadista, no olvide el pasaporte – Punto de Fisión. Otra cosa no, pero los terroristas suicidas suelen ser muy meticulosos. Nunca olvidan dejar bien a la vista un pasaporte, un DNI, un carné de conducir o cualquier otro documento acreditativo en el lugar de la masacre para facilitar la tarea de la policía que luego va a buscarlos. Esta pequeña cortesía ahorra muchos trámites a las fuerzas de seguridad y permite que la orden de busca y captura salga engalanada con vistosas fotografías y todo tipo de datos personales.

En cuestión de una o dos horas después del atentado ya se sabe el nombre del autor, lugar de origen, marcas de nacimiento, familiares, amigos, novias, trayectoria personal, orientación sexual y gustos musicales. Los detectives del CSI la investigación no suelen tener tanta suerte porque entonces cada episodio duraría cinco minutos. En Nueva York el pasaporte de uno de los pilotos suicidas apareció milagrosamente intacto entre los escombros de una de las torres del World Trade Center.

Tampoco hay que darle muchas vueltas. That time that Albert Einstein told Marie Curie to... 50 Alain De Botton Quotes That Reveal Harsh Truths About Humans. Some of the greatest philosophy books ever created were formed from nothing but a numbered list of succinctly written insights — maxims or aphorisms: pithy observations containing a general truth about life.

Such classics include Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, François de La Rochefoucauld’s Maxims, and most of Friedrich Nietzsche’s and Arthur Schopenhauer’s masterpieces. Alain de Botton is a modern-day curator, translator, and torch carrier of ancient and neglected ideas, and is bringing the aphorism back to life. Following in the footsteps of philosophers such as Aristotle, who founded “The Lyceum,” and Plato, who began “The Academy,” De Botton has created The School of Life, a multi-continental classroom devoted to developing emotional intelligence through the guidance of philosophy. Alain is most famous for his best-selling philosophy books on such diverse topics as The News, Status Anxiety, Architecture, Work, Art, and Love. Day 1 in Trump’s America – Sean O'Kane – Medium. When Einstein Met Tagore: A Remarkable Meeting of Minds on the Edge of Science and Spirituality.

On July 14, 1930, Albert Einstein welcomed into his home on the outskirts of Berlin the Indian philosopher, musician, and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. The two proceeded to have one of the most stimulating, intellectually riveting conversations in history, exploring the age-old friction between science and religion. Science and the Indian Tradition: When Einstein Met Tagore (public library) recounts the historic encounter, amidst a broader discussion of the intellectual renaissance that swept India in the early twentieth century, germinating a curious osmosis of Indian traditions and secular Western scientific doctrine. The following excerpt from one of Einstein and Tagore’s conversations dances between previously examined definitions of science, beauty, consciousness, and philosophy in a masterful meditation on the most fundamental questions of human existence. EINSTEIN: Do you believe in the Divine as isolated from the world?

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Nikola Tesla. DIAGRAM a. THE THREE WAYS OF INCREASING HUMAN ENERGY. Let, then, in diagram a, M represent the mass of man. This mass is impelled in one direction by a force f, which is resisted by another partly frictional and partly negative force R, acting in a direction exactly opposite, and retarding the movement of the mass. Such an antagonistic force is present in every movement and must be taken into consideration. The difference between these two forces is the effective force which imparts a velocity V to the mass M in the direction of the arrow on the line representing the force f.

Viewed generally, there are obviously two ways of increasing the mass of mankind: first, by aiding and maintaining those forces and conditions which tend to increase it; and, second, by opposing and reducing those which tend to diminish it. Conversely, it scarcely need be stated that everything that is against the teachings of religion and the laws of hygiene is tending to decrease the mass.

FIG. 2. DIAGRAM b. "Talking With the Planets" by Nikola Tesla. Collier's Weekly, February 9, 1901 Whence, then, does it come? Who knows? Who can assign limits to the subtlety of nature's influences? Perhaps, if we could clearly perceive all the intricate mechanism of the glorious spectacle that is continually unfolding before us, and could, also, trace this desire to its distant origin, we might find it in the sorrowful vibrations of the earth which began when it parted from its celestial parent.

But in this age of reason it is not astonishing to find persons who scoff at the very thought of effecting communication with a planet. First of all, the argument is made that there is only a small probability of other planets being inhabited at all. If there were such beings on one of the planets we should know next to nothing about them. Then it is contended that it is beyond human power and ingenuity to convey signals to the almost inconceivable distances of fifty million or one hundred million miles. What a tremendous stir this would make in the world! 12 descendientes de nazis cuentan cómo han llevado tener antepasados hitlerianos.

Tener un antepasado nazi no debe resultar fácil. Que tu padre, abuelo o incluso tatarabuelo fuera afín a Hitler o haya participara en su bando durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial es algo con lo que muchos alemanes tienen que lidiar. Lo normal es que se trate este tema como un tabú, siendo tapado por nietos que no están precisamente orgullosos de sus raíces. Sin embargo, muchos no tienen inconveniente en destapar el velo y contar cómo sus antepasados se adaptaron a las nuevas generaciones. En Reddit han hecho una recopilación de casos. Estos son algunos de ellos: Mi abuelo fue parte de las Juventudes Hitlerianas, pero solo se unió para no ser castigado. Ahora, solo recuerda la guerra por el miedo que pasó entonces. Tener un abuelo que fue un soldado nazi no es nada especial para los alemanes nacidos entre los años 80 y 90. Murió hace un par de años y todo fue muy confuso para mí . Mi abuela era una niña durante la 2GM. Creo que la mayoría de gente sabía lo que estaba pasando.

Improve Your Life: 10 Things You Should Do Every Day. 10 things that scientific research shows can help improve your life. 1) Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s research that says you do.) Being in nature reduces stress, makes you more creative, improves your memory and may even make you a better person. 2) Exercise We all know how important this is, but few people do it consistently. 3) Spend time with friends and family Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert identified this as one of the biggest sources of happiness in our lives. 4) Express gratitude It will make you happier.

It will improve your relationships. It can make you a better person. It can make life better for everyone around you. 5) Meditate Meditation can increase happiness, meaning in life, social support and attention span while reducing anger, anxiety, depression and fatigue. 6) Get enough sleep You can’t cheat yourself on sleep and not have it affect you. Naps are great too. 7) Challenge yourself 8) Laugh 9) Touch someone. La oscura historia del hombre que dio vida a Alicia. What's the secret to enjoying your work? 3 Simple Things That Will Make You 10% Happier. Neuroscience Of Mindfulness: How To Make Your Mind Happy. Levantar el ánimo en 50 Canciones - Un Pedacito de Psicología. The one thing that can stop Trump.

Cinco razones para llevar burkini... y no solo para molestar a las autoridades francesas. American Horror Story — Welcome to the Scream Room. Un estudiante crea un corrector que le arregla los dientes por 53 euros. David Bowie speaks to Jeremy Paxman on BBC Newsnight (1999) Si alguna vez te has preguntado ¿qué es la vida? este vídeo animado de 5 minutos te va a gustar. Un lingüista canadiense, que vive en Japón, explica, en inglés, qué es el euskera y es un éxito (vídeo) | About Basque Country. 10 señales de alarma que indican que tu psicólogo no es bueno. ¿Cuál es el número ideal de gente con el que deberíamos acostarnos en nuestra vida? To the Thirtysomething Mums – Littles, love and sunshine. Chika Sagawa, el arte de morir joven como una flor. What’s Something Your Kid Has Done That You Pretended To Be Angry About But Secretly Impressed or Amused You? La herencia partisana: de pistolas en las bragas a la autodefensa de madrugada. Infancia salvaje: la impresionante galería de fotos de los niños que crecen como animales.