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Watch This Documentary: The History of Internet Search and Google. Before there could ever be SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there needed to be search engines to optimize for in the first place! After the massive amount of interest shown in my "How It Works: What Happens When You Search Google" post, I felt the following documentary would be a great segue into learning the historicity of Internet search and Google -- thus, taking the "how Google works" concept one step further (and backward).

For someone like me who has been around since the advent of the Internet, I didn't really start getting into the inner-workings of it until 9-10 years ago. Because of that, documentaries like this are really great for catching up on everything I missed prior to when I really became interested. Not to mention, it also helps to put a lot of things into perspective (i.e. just how far the Internet has come along in such a short period of time). The following documentary is 45-minutes long and has been split into 3 15-minute clips to comply with YouTube's rules.

Exclusive: How Google's Algorithm Rules the Web | Wired Magazine. Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one.

The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything — “Samsung SF-755p printer,” “Ed Hardy MySpace layouts,” or maybe even “capital Burkina Faso,” which just happens to share its name with this conference room.

Udi Manber, Google’s head of search since 2006, leads the proceedings. You might think that after a solid decade of search-market dominance, Google could relax. Watch This Documentary: The History of Internet Search and Google. How Search Works - The Story – Inside Search – Google. Understanding Media by Understanding Google. About the Course Google Inc. is one of the key success stories of the Internet era. The company has expanded beyond its original search business through innovation and acquisition to touch the lives of nearly every person who lives life online.

For example, Americans spend more than 3,400 hours per year using consumer media, the field where Google’s impact is most profound, and citizens around the world must understand what the company has wrought not only to control their offline and online environments, but also to interact and engage successfully with anyone in our professional and personal lives. Enrollees in this course learn how to understand the tactics that modern media companies, journalists, marketers, politicians, technologists, and social networks are using to reach them and affect their behavior. They learn how to adopt strategies that put them on an even footing with these entities in achieving their own communications goals. They Course Syllabus Recommended Background. Your Courses | Coursera.

8 must-watch talks for any creative. Every now and again I come across a talk that I find to be truly inspiring or informative. Over the years I’ve made sure to bookmark these talks for later reference and now, after recently revisiting my collection, I thought it would be a good time to share those that I believe all creatives should watch. Below is a collection of eight videos that cover everything from branding to education to user experience and client relationships.

Design to challenge reality (Kelli Anderson) Kelli Anderson shatters our expectations about reality by injecting humor and surprise into everyday objects. At TEDxPhoenix she shares her disruptive and clever designs. From wedding invitations to Utopian newspapers, Kelli Anderson re-designs commonplace objects to go beyond their ordinary functions and create surprising experiences. A happy grain of sand (Aral Balkan) Introducing charm into charmless categories (Simon Manchipp) Old models of communication were based on reach, rather than touch. 10 design books to consider for graphic design students. Learning graphic design is a lifelong process, so graphic design students don’t worry: you’ll have plenty of time becoming an expert in your field. This said, I know that when you are getting started you are really eager to learn more quicker, that’s why I’m suggesting a selection of design books that are in my opinion worth reading for graphic design students, but also for others. 1.

Making and breaking the grid Some graphic designers are crazy about using grids in their designs, others depise it because they feel it makes all layouts look the same (or at least they think so). Even if you are one of those grid-haters, you should know what is a grid and how to use it. You can learn just that in this book 2. A good book for beginners, learn some basics of graphic design as well as parts of the history. 3. Branding is much more than just logo design, it even goes beyond graphic design. 4. Learn directly from one of the iconic graphic designers of the twentisest century: Paul Rand. 5. 6. 7.