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Installer MiKTeX et Texmaker. La procédure ci-dessous montre comment installer la version complète de MiKTeX 2.9 et la dernière version de Texmaker sous windows.Attention : l'installation de la version complète de MiKTeX 2.9 requiert une connexion internet haut débit et peut-être assez longue. Toutefois, avec cette installation, l'utilisateur est à peu près assuré d'avoir directement (et en une seule fois) tous les outils nécessaires pour compiler l'immense majorité des documents LaTeX quelque soit le mode de compilation. Aller sur cette page : et cliquer sur le bouton sur "MiKTeX 2.9.... In ne reste plus qu'à installer Texmaker.Pour cela, aller sur la page .. /texmaker/download_fr.html et télécharger le fichier pour windows.ATTENTION : il est alors impératif de redémarrer windows avant de compiler son premier document afin que le chemin vers les outils MiKTeX/LaTeX soit bien ajouté au PATH de windows.

MiKTeX 2.9 Setup - Texmaker (free cross-platform latex editor) Editeurs de texte. ProTeXt - a TeX distribution for Windows. ProTeXt aims to be an easy-to-install TeX distribution for Windows, based on MiKTeX. After downloading, a wizard (available in several languages) guides the installation. Download and install You can download the self-extracting protext.exe file from CTAN; it is well over 2GB.

That link will automatically choose a nearby CTAN mirror. If problems with the download, please manually choose a mirror from the list. If such a large download is problematic for you, proTeXt is also included in the TeX Collection, which you can get by becoming a TeX user group member. Once you have the distribution, you can start the installation by running Setup.exe (if it does not open automatically). New users can find starting points for actually using TeX in this introduction to the TeX system. Other tools proTeXt adds the TeXStudio front end to MiKTeX.

To use ConTeXt within proTeXt or MiKTeX, you also need to install a Perl for Windows such as ActivePerl, and Ruby. How you can help Credits. MacTeX - a distribution for Mac. TeX Live - a distribution for Unix. TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, and also Windows.

It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. Some starting points for actually using TeX are in this introduction to the TeX world. TeX Live has been developed since 1996 by collaboration between the TeX user groups.