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Learn Some of the Best Super-Simple Time-Saving Tricks This Weekend. Learn the Basics of Electronics Hacking with SparkFun's Online Curriculum. Since editing my comment creates chaos and havoc for Gawker in general, I'll just reply and state the project doesn't list resistors, either. I'm baffled. Parts: (all Parts are included in the Arduino Starter Kit, or can be obtained individually) Arduino •USB Cable •Red LED •Yellow LED •3 Jumper Wires (Black, Green, Blue) •Breadboard Without digging into the specs of the device, it sounds like they are depending on a current-limited output. An LED's output is a function of how much current goes through it. The Arduino output, on the other hand, is a current source — it will push up to 20 mA, according to the spec you reported. Another way to look at this is that the 20 mA/pin spec is not "this is how much you are allowed to use and if you pull more, it will fry me"; it's "this is all I can supply and if you try to draw more, I will lower my voltage.



How Can I Close Accounts for Old Services I Don't Use Anymore? List Of Windows Services That Can Be Safely Disabled. Windows Services are executable programs that run constantly in the background and perform specific functions on their own. Users with administrator privileges can choose a default startup behavior for these services. For instance, they can be set to start at system boot, paused and restarted whenever required, or simply disabled. While some services come with the operating system by default, at times different third party software also add their own services. While leaving the services running in the background allows certain tools and utilities to function better, disabling the ones you don’t need can also increase the performance of your system. In what follows, we’ll guide you through the process of starting, stopping and disabling Windows Services.

How To Disable Windows System Services Before you start or stop a service, it is important to know its function so that stopping it does not disrupt any important Windows feature or task. Safe-To-Disable Services [via 7Tutorials] How to Ensure Your Router, Cameras, Printers, and Other Devices Aren’t Accessible on the Internet. Some people’s networked printers, cameras, routers, and other hardware devices are accessible from the Internet. There are even search engines designed to search such exposed devices. If your devices are secure, you won’t have to worry about this. Follow this guide to ensure your networked devices are properly isolated from the Internet. If you configure everything properly, people won’t be able to find your devices by performing a search on Shodan. Secure Your Router On a typical home network — assuming you don’t have any other devices plugged directly into your modem — your router should be the only device that’s connected directly to the Internet.

First things first: Ensure your router itself is secure. Many consumer routers have a serious security vulnerability. Check whether your router is vulnerable to this UPnP vulnerability by visiting the ShieldsUP! Ensure Other Devices Aren’t Accessible You can also try more creative solutions. Lock Down Your Wi-Fi. : La dose d'actu IT pour les TPE-PME. Quiz et questionnaires IT, Testez vos connaissances ! | ITespresso. Pocket Adds Google Account Support, Offline Evernote Sharing, and More.

Internet of things

Dropbox. SSD contre HDD : comment booster votre disque dur. Atlantico : Qu’est-ce qu’un disque SSD ? Quelles différences (avantages/inconvénients) entre le SSD et le HDD, disque dur traditionnel ? Julien Jay : Le disque SSD ou Solid State Drive est un support de stockage qui a la particularité d’utiliser des puces mémoire appelées puces de mémoire flash. Pour être clair, il remplit la même fonction qu’un disque dur sauf qu’il est dépourvu de toute partie mécanique. En utilisant des puces mémoire le SSD a plusieurs avantages décisifs sur un disque dur traditionnel. Le plus évident tient aux performances : avec des temps d’accès réduits et des débits supérieurs le SSD permet une réactivité et une instantanéité inconnue des disques durs. Quand il faut plus d’une minute pour lancer un logiciel lourd comme Photoshop sur un disque dur, il ne faut plus que quelques secondes pour que celui-ci démarre sur un SSD.

Au chapitre des inconvénients, le plus significatif d’entre eux reste la capacité de stockage et le coût au gigaoctet. Comment choisir son SSD ?


Applis Apple. Réseau. Imprimante. Logiciels.