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Flipped Classroom

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Flipped Classroom Video Resources. Flipped Classroom by Nigel Robinson on Prezi. “Flip Your Classroom”: the new book from Bergmann and Sams. Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, two rural Colorado public school secondary chemistry teachers, have launched something over the past five or six years that is truly significant and lasting, I believe, and this fine, short, accessible book is a great vehicle for their program. I commend the authors, and recommend the book highly. Bergmann and Sams utilize a fine tone in the book. Throughout, they maintain their passion about serving students, of putting kids at the front of every decision and ensuring the technology choices follow the learning goals.

They are open-minded, experimental, and truly innovative in all the right ways. They iterate, they experiment, they make mistakes and learn from them. They take care to offer clarity of direction, to be nuanced and open-minded, allowing for nuance and for variety. They also write with humility, acknowledging their limits and their errors. Appreciations: 1. 15 (!) “Flipping increases student-teacher interaction.” From the book: 2. A. B. C. 3. 8 More Flips for the Coming School Year. [Originally published 8.17.12 in the Santa Fe Leaderership Center newsletter] The new school year is launching, and it is a busy time for establishing our academic routines, but don’t let this year be another year of business as usual.

Take the opportunity our annually cyclical enterprise provides us to reconsider which of our routines are ready to be reversed. It is remarkable how quickly the concept of flipping the classroom surged, spread, and has taken root across a great breadth of schools. Though it is by no means universal, or universally favored, what a buzz flipping has created. Some may dismiss the buzz around flip teaching as faddish and short-lived, but I think the buzz is happening because flipping is un-dismissible. The speed with which it has spread, however, is not entirely surprising when we factor the significance of networked learning and social media today. Flip Meetings. Flip Mission. Flip Sequence. Flip it. Flip Helpfulness. Flip Testing. Flip Facts. Flip Roles. Tracking. Interactive flipped instruction with YouTube annotations and time-markers. Learning catalytics. Flipped learning: A response to five common criticisms.

One of the reasons this debate exists is because there is no true definition of what “flipped learning” is. Over the past few years, the Flipped Learning method has created quite a stir. Some argue that this teaching method will completely transform education, while others say it is simply an opportunity for boring lectures to be viewed in new locations. While the debate goes on, the concept of Flipped Learning is not entirely new. Dr. It’s our opinion that one of the reasons this debate exists is because there is no true definition of what Flipped Learning is. Dr. A collection of resources/discussions re: the flipped classroom.