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This Sad Generation Doesn't Know When the Party Stops. Photo by Anis Ali This article first appeared on VICE UK The idea of "living for the weekend​" is nothing new.

This Sad Generation Doesn't Know When the Party Stops

The history of what we call "youth culture" is really just a history of young people being unable to reconcile their day-to-day lives with their social lives, finding solace in the tribal rites of a Saturday night and workless mornings rather than careers, kids, whatever. Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World. In the Summer of 1995, a young graduate student in anthropology at UCLA named Joe Henrich traveled to Peru to carry out some fieldwork among the Machiguenga, an indigenous people who live north of Machu Picchu in the Amazon basin.

Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World

The Machiguenga had traditionally been horticulturalists who lived in single-family, thatch-roofed houses in small hamlets composed of clusters of extended families. For sustenance, they relied on local game and produce from small-scale farming. They shared with their kin but rarely traded with outside groups. While the setting was fairly typical for an anthropologist, Henrich’s research was not. PRO HELVETIA - SHANGHAI: Hyper Seeing. Curator Luo Keyi's statement about the exhibition "Hyper Seeing": The artistic activity I proposed is a curatorial project namely a group exhibition called 'Hyper-seeing', the title is an appropriation borrowed from the mathematic field.


"Hyper" is a prefix used in geometry or physics to denote four or more dimensions. Combined with "seeing", this exhibition title is designed to delineate a multidimensional scene of today's art works using digital media techniques. The four artists I selected and invited explore various fields in digital art discourse: sound art, video art, internet work and bio-electron art, both have their unique narratives and contexts. Besides presenting the cutting edge practicing on digital art, I also want to rise a critical issue about the validity of the term 'New Media Art' which has been used for a long time. The Art of Reading, Remembering, and Retaining More Books. “I just sit in my office and read all day.”

The Art of Reading, Remembering, and Retaining More Books

This is how Warren Buffett, one of the most successful people in the business world, describes his day. Sitting. Reading. He advises everyone to read more, and that’s certainly a goal we can all get behind. Why Genius Strikes in Your Late Thirties. [Undercurrents]: 87FEI87. 87FEI87: Fløøød on the left, Verktyget on the right.

[Undercurrents]: 87FEI87

Photo credit: "Princess Spanky Fan, the Venus of Shanxi" Undercurrents is an ongoing column on SmartBeijing in which we profile Beijing promoters and music makers putting on music events in this city, specifically within the context of the larger cultural, economic, and arts landscape in the city. Does a More Equal Marriage Mean Less Sex? Photo Not long ago, I was at a dinner party with several couples in their 40s, all married except for my boyfriend and me.

Does a More Equal Marriage Mean Less Sex?

The mood was jovial until, over dessert, one guest made an offhand joke about Internet porn. Talking to Strangers: Chinese Youth and Social Media — My PhD dissertation  - Updates - Tricia Wang, Global Tech Ethnographer transforming research, specializes in China & emerging markets. And after seven years of research, I present to you my PhD dissertation: Here's a link to the abstract and to the pdf.

Talking to Strangers: Chinese Youth and Social Media — My PhD dissertation  - Updates - Tricia Wang, Global Tech Ethnographer transforming research, specializes in China & emerging markets

Needless to say, this has been a work of blood, sweat, tears, and love. I have a long list of people to thank for toiling beside me and for supporting me along the way. Here's Why The Idea Of 'Traditional Marriage' Is Total Bullsh*t. As state after state -- most recently Utah and Oklahoma -- battles to legalize gay marriage, opponents of the push for equality continue to argue that marriage itself has remained a static institution that would be destroyed if redefined.

Here's Why The Idea Of 'Traditional Marriage' Is Total Bullsh*t

Want Perfect Pitch? You Might Be Able To Pop A Pill For That. Hide captionJazz singer Ella Fitzergerald was said to have perfect pitch.

Want Perfect Pitch? You Might Be Able To Pop A Pill For That

Klaus Frings/AP Jazz singer Ella Fitzergerald was said to have perfect pitch. In the world of music, there is no more remarkable gift than having perfect pitch. As the story goes, Ella Fitzgerald's band would use her perfect pitch to tune their instruments. Parsons-Benjamin Bacon老师演讲. Parsons-Benjamin Bacon老师演讲. “im交互与信息创新论坛”于CAFAM圆满落幕.

12.23中国美院“交互设计、技术与艺术 国际前沿与探索”系列讲座. 中国美院“交互设计、技术与艺术——国际前沿与探索”系列讲座将于12月23日(周一)于美院象山校区举办,特邀瑞典皇家理工学院教授、人机交互与媒体技术领域学者李海波,美国纽约帕森斯设计学院教授、交互艺术家Benjamin Bacon(白培耕),纽约大学(上海)研究员、新媒体艺术家徐维静,瑞典皇家理工学院、瑞典移动生活研究中心博士研究员 、我校传媒动画学院讲师朱滨,就国际前沿的交互学科领域作演讲和交流。

12.23中国美院“交互设计、技术与艺术 国际前沿与探索”系列讲座

该系列讲座和研讨交流活动由中国美院科研创作处和传媒动画学院共同主办,传媒动画学院副院长刘智海任学术主持。 欢迎参加! 时间:12.23 周一 地点:中国美术学院 象山校区 3号楼108报告厅 讲座安排: 15:00-16:00 《交互设计中的媒体技术变革—人机界面与交互的回顾与展望》李海波 瑞典皇家理工学院教授 (Professor in Media Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Im交互与信息创新论坛深入报道 _艺术中国. “im交互与信息创新论坛”于央美成功举办_99艺术新闻网. 延展生命:媒体中国2011——国际新媒体艺术三年展. Rockbund Art Museum. Rockbund Art Museum. Meet Educational Credit Management Corporation, the arm-breakers of the student debt racket.

An private contractor to student debt-holders has a special legal department that goes to bankruptcy court to argue that student loans shouldn't be discharged in bankruptcy, ever. The Educational Credit Management Corporation contracts to the Department of Education, on whose behalf it argues (for example) that debtors who go bankrupt fighting pancreatic cancer should still have to pay back their student loans in full, because "Survival rates for younger patients tend to be higher.

" Unprofessionalism - Allen Pike. Acting professionally and being a professional are different things. One year ago, we released Party Monster, our fun little DJ app for parties and road trips. We take our work seriously, but we included something a little unprofessional: by default, the app wouldn’t play Nickelback. “交互设计、技术与艺术——国际前沿与探索”系列讲座公告. “交互设计、技术与艺术——国际前沿与探索”系列讲座将于12月23日(周一)于美院象山校区举办,特邀瑞典皇家理工学院教授、人机交互与媒体技术领域学者李海波,美国纽约帕森斯设计学院教授、交互艺术家Benjamin Bacon(白培耕),纽约大学(上海)研究员、新媒体艺术家徐维静,瑞典皇家理工学院、瑞典移动生活研究中心博士研究员、我校传媒动画学院讲师朱滨,就国际前沿的交互学科领域作演讲和交流。

该系列讲座和研讨交流活动由中国美院科研创作处和传媒动画学院共同主办,传媒动画学院副院长刘智海任学术主持。 欢迎参加! 时间:12.23 周一. Why I Silence Your Call, Even When I’m Free. Beijing Party Pictures: Black Eyeliner at Dada. Stop working (so hard) — I.M.H.O. RAWR第一讲:设计&技术在中国-预告-首页. 译言活动 - Issue 1 第一期.