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Chemguide: helping you to understand Chemistry - Main Menu. Molecule of the Month. Welcome to the Molecule of the Month page!

Molecule of the Month

This is one of the longest running chemistry webpages on the internet. Each month since January 1996 a new molecule has been added to the list on this page. The links will take you to a page at one of the Web sites at a University Chemistry Department or commercial site in the UK, the US, or anywhere in the world, where useful (and hopefully entertaining!) Site Info. Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. Site Info

The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly. For the website owner Certified Metrics provide: A more accurate Alexa RankA private metrics Dashboard for On-Site AnalyticsThe ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans. Global Rank. Chemistry resources for Teachers and Students.