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10 Things Christians and Atheists Can (And Must) Agree On. 3.

10 Things Christians and Atheists Can (And Must) Agree On

In Everyday Life, You're Not That Different You Christians, if the transmission in your Camaro explodes, are you going to use prayer to reconstruct it? No, you'll call a mechanic. When your tooth hurts, you don't assume it's possessed by demons. You look for a cavity. Well, at the very worst, the atheists are just applying the same common sense, real-world troubleshooting to the God question. On the other hand... Atheists, even if you reject the idea of God completely and claim to live according only to the cold logic of the physical sciences, you all still live as if the absolute morality of some magical lawgiver were true. The 5 Creepiest Death Rituals From Around the World. Let's face it, there isn't a non-creepy way to deal with a dead body.

The 5 Creepiest Death Rituals From Around the World

We fill it with chemicals and bury it, or burn it. But as unpleasant as that business is, some cultures have taken body disposal to a whole, new, terrifying level. Sutee (Self-Immolation) What Is It? Self-immolation (or Suttee) was a traditional Hindu ritual practiced in India, whereby a grieving widow will voluntarily lie by her husband's side on his funeral pyre, where she's burned alive next to the corpse. Suttee had been practiced throughout India for centuries, before it was outlawed by the occupying British in 1829 (though occurrences have persisted until present day, causing it to be banned again in 1956, and again in 1981--some people just don't listen).

As you can imagine, once the flames got going it was common for widows to decide this wasn't such a great idea and try to run the hell away. Dear God, Why? 5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted. So, the headlines say somebody else has died due to video game addiction.

5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted

Yes, it's Korea again. What the hell? Look, I'm not saying video games are heroin. The 7 Most Incredible Displays of Pointless Talents. 6 Iconic Things You Won't Believe Began as Publicity Stunts. In an age when getting famous for the sake of being famous is the name of the game, and where it's hard to tell genuine news from fake "viral" publicity stunts, it's easy to long for the old days.

6 Iconic Things You Won't Believe Began as Publicity Stunts

You know, back when people still had some dignity, and great things were built and accomplished for some reason other than self-promotion. We're not exactly sure when that was, because some of the most iconic places and rituals in the world were started purely to create "buzz. " #6. The Olympic Torch Relay Was Publicity for the Third Reich The most iconic moment from any Olympic games is the ceremonial lighting of the Olympic flame. GettyTo be fair, it beats pop-up ads. The Publicity Stunt That Started It: The tradition of the Olympic flame itself -- minus the runner carrying the torch cross-country -- dates back to the first Olympics in ancient Greece, where a fire burned throughout the games. GettyNothing makes the race look good like tight shorts and pasty white legs. #5. While Cecil B. . #4. 9 Ridiculous Cooking Myths You Probably Believe. We don't expect all of our readers to know everything about cooking.

9 Ridiculous Cooking Myths You Probably Believe

At least some of our readers probably aren't expert chefs (though, yes, we assume that most are). The 7 Most Elaborate Dick Moves in Online Gaming History. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are a psychological test we pay to fail.

The 7 Most Elaborate Dick Moves in Online Gaming History

We've looked at the biggest dick moves in online gaming before, but multiplayer games are just like the rest of the Internet -- no matter how big a dick you've seen, somewhere there's an even bigger one doing unspeakable things to people. Runescape is a free MMPORG that anyone can access through a browser.

Lowering the barrier to entry means that they have to create conditions to keep their game from devolving into a wasteland of constant murder and anarchy. There are various controls around combat -- players can fight each other, but only in designated places or as part of combat mini-games. The system has worked so well that the only real problem is people trying to pay real money for in-game accomplishments, rather than earning them through good old fashioned hard work. 5 Things Hollywood Reuses More Than Plots.

It has to be discouraging for an actor to know that very few performers ever get famous, and the ones who do, don't stay famous.

5 Things Hollywood Reuses More Than Plots

That has to be even more depressing when they realize that there are inanimate objects, from sound clips to buildings to old pairs of pants, that have IMDB listings longer than most working actors. How? Well... 6 Real Islands Way More Terrifying Than The One On 'Lost' Summer's right around the corner, and it's time to pick your next vacation spot.

6 Real Islands Way More Terrifying Than The One On 'Lost'

Now, we know the problem you're facing: You want a nice island paradise, but you also want to experience horrors beyond comprehension, and maybe you even want to die on your trip. Well, we've got some great islands for you... Ilha de Queimada Grande; A.K.A. Snake Island. 10 Old Toys That Made Sense In Their Era (And Nowhere Else) Remember that toy that you just had to have because it was based on something wildly popular?

10 Old Toys That Made Sense In Their Era (And Nowhere Else)

And then it turned out to really, really suck? (We're looking at you, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Power Game.) It turns out that's been happening as long as companies have been mass-producing toys. #10. Swing Wing The Era: Once called "The Decade of Bad Ideas," by this website, just now, the period between 1960 and 1969 is one of the only periods in American history that can be successfully used as an excuse for seemingly inexcusable behavior. The 5 Creepiest Death Rituals From Around the World. 6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill a Terminator. We love us a good badass war story, almost as much as we love a good survival story.

6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill a Terminator

7 Legendary Acts of Petty Revenge. Banning You from the Country Let's face it: Divorce is a pain in the ass. You have to deal with paperwork, fees, lawyers and judges. What if you want to make a clean break from your spouse without the hassle? An immigration officer in the United Kingdom devised the perfect solution. While his wife was visiting her family back in Pakistan, he logged into the immigration department's database and put her name on the country's Terror Watch List. Photos.comOh, shit. When his wife tried to return to the United Kingdom with her perfectly valid passport, she was surprised to be denied entry and forced to return to Pakistan. 6 Comic Book Easter Eggs That Stuck It to The Man. All of us should have jobs where we can slip passive-aggressive "screw yous" to our enemies or our bosses right there in the work we produce. It must be very satisfying. Or at least you'd think so, considering how many of these "screw you" Easter eggs have been hidden in comics over the years.

Marvel Writer Encodes an Insult to His Boss Al Milgrom was an artist, writer and editor who worked at Marvel for almost 25 years before he quit and started working freelance. 5 Mind-Blowing Scientific Answers to Life's 'Big Questions' At some point in your life you have, at some completely random moment, stopped what you were doing and just thought, "Man, what am I doing here? How does any of this even exist? What is reality, anyway? " Then you usually forget about it and go back to playing browser games until lunchtime rolls around. But those big questions, starting with the nature of the universe and leading all the way up to why you're sitting there reading boner jokes on a website, are being answered by science as we speak.

And the theories they've come up with will leave your brain feeling like it has been drop-kicked over a goal post. The 5 Most Spectacular Landscapes on Earth (That Murder You) #2. The Afar Triangle -- Africa harowo In 2005, geologist Dereje Ayalew and his colleagues went for a nice helicopter ride, because college lied to you and being a geologist is actually all fun and games.

6 Realities of Teleportation Star Trek Didn't Warn Us About. With most technologies, we can only guess what they will look like 1,000 years from now. We don't really even know what the "ultimate" video game or cellphone would even look like. We're waiting for the technology to show us. But everybody knows what the end point of transportation technology is: instantly being able to go anywhere, at any time.

Just like Star Trek's transporters, where you can send a person from Point A to Point B just like sending an email. So how far away are we from that? #6. Of all the different types of teleportation that have been thought up in science fiction, they basically all involve disintegrating a human body, shooting it to another location as some kind of data signal and reintegrating it on the other side. 5 Ways to Beat Old-School Games Using Math. #2. 5 Reasons 'The Hunger Games' Is Creepier Than You Think. #2. 5 Terrifying Serial Killers Who Happened to Be Animals. The most dangerous animal on earth is man -- nothing you read in this article will change that.

Animals kill for food and territory, and out of fear, but it takes a man to kill repeatedly, just for the fun of it. Well ... usually. As we have previously shown, the animal kingdom has its fair share of diabolical serial killers.