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Five Keys to Being Happy | ThirdAge Articles. The two most important things people want to discover in their lives are true happiness and meaning. But how do you get there? Tom Thibodeau, Viterbo University religious studies professor, gave some insight on the subject last week at Franciscan Skemp's Successful Aging Program. He based his thoughts on John Izzo's book, "The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die," which included interviews with more than 200 wise people. The five secrets are: Reflect more, be true to yourself. So Thibodeau and Izzo want us to ask the following questions: Am I following my heart right now? Dear Abbey. 10 Reasons You Can’t Say How You Feel. Not everyone finds expressing their feelings easy or having it come naturally. While the stereotype is that men have the hardest time expressing their emotions, everyone at one time or another in their life may find it difficult to say how they feel.

Learning why you have trouble expressing your feelings can go a long way into changing that behavior. Saying how you feel is something you can learn how to do, just as readily as you can learn how to fix a faucet or mend a button on a shirt. Here are ten common reasons why people find it difficult to express their emotions to someone else. 1. You are afraid of angry feelings or conflicts with people. 2. You believe that you should not have feelings such as anger, jealousy, depression, or anxiety. 3. You are so terrified by rejection and ending up alone that you would rather swallow your feelings and put up with some abuse than take the chance of making anyone mad at you. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Reference: Burns, D.D. (1989). Dr. Review of Emotional Intelligence. Review of Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman Kevin Langdon Published in Noesis #145, November 1999 Copyright © 1999 by Kevin Langdon When people are asked to rank the importance of various attributes, in themselves, in a potential mate, or in human beings in general, intelligence makes a respectable showing but it’s rarely at the top of the list. But when a person is challenged in real life, when his honor, his beauty, his kindness, his industry, or his honesty is put into question, nothing provokes such a strong defensive reaction as the suggestion that he’s not too bright. If one were asked about his expectations regarding the distribution of nose-to-tail length of an unknown population of animals (let us assume they’re all full-grown and all the same sex, for the sake of simplicity), one would unhesitatingly reply that, in all likelihood, a few would be very large, a few would be very small, and the vast majority would be clustered somewhere in the middle.

I have been fortunate. How to Become a Better Husband, Boyfriend or Life Partner | The. Photo credit: This article is not particularly insightful. Nor is it all that authoritative. I am not claiming to be the world’s best husband – far from it. But one thing I can attest to is that I am always trying to be better for my lady. I never forget that our relationship is something that needs to grow and change and be worked on. In this post I am going to tell you all the most important things I know about being a good husband, boyfriend or life partner.

Some of these I figured out myself, others I learned by trying to do the opposite of what my father did. NOTE – This post is for the men out there. The role that always changes The first thing that you need to know if you want to be a good husband is that things change. That being said, being a good husband is not about bending to your wife’s every whim.

The reason I wrote “become” instead of “be” in the title is because this is a role that is always changing. How to become a better husband, boyfriend or life partner 1. 2. 15 Simple Ways to Overcome Anger | Think Simple Now » 15 Simple. Photo by Simón Pais-Thomas Can you recall the last time you were really angry at someone? So much so that you were physically shaken just at the thought of them? Rarely does this feeling of anger help us in getting what we want. Often, it will work against us, resulting in more pain, unnecessarily. Even the most gentle of personalities can temporarily turn into a vindictive rascal, if pushed far enough. A friend of mine is going through a divorce with a spouse who is unreasonably prolonging the process. He’s sad, hurt, upset, frustrated and very, very angry.

Through helping him come to a place of understanding and forgiveness of his ex-spouse with love, compassion and humility (we had to dig deep), I realized that the same tools can be used in dealing with other negative emotions. For sake of simplicity, we will use anger as the target emotion to overcome. Why Do We Feel Like Crap? “It’s amazing how much emotion a little mental concept like ‘my’ can generate.” - Eckhart Tolle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wayne Dyer’s Top 8 Tips for Building a Better Social Life. Image by kalandrakas (license). “Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” “Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.” One of my favourite personal development people is the psychologist Wayne Dyer.

He seems to be a very warm person but he also someone who takes a lot personal responsibility and is assertive. This is reflected in his work. Dr. 1. “As you think so shall you be! “Loving people live in a loving world. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” How you choose to interpret people and your relationships makes a huge difference. But your underlying frame of mind – for instance an open one or a protective and closed up one – will determine much about your interactions with new people and people you know. So you really have to go inside. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Be More Cheerful During the H. Image by Jan Tik (license). “Joy is not in things; it is in us.” Benjamin Franklin “May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart!” Eskimo proverb The holidays are here with family, friends, gifts and lots of tasty food. It can be a great time to just relax and enjoy the company of the people closest to you.

But it can also sometimes be a source of stress and negativity. So you may like a few tips that can quickly change how you feel and think. 1. Where you put your focus does to a large degree determine how you feel and think. One of the quickest ways to shift your focus is simply to appreciate the positive things in your life right now. If you’re feeling negative or stressed out use just two minutes in your day to reflect upon things that you are grateful for. . – and how you view your life. 2.

This is the quickest and most consistent way to relax that I have found so far. Here’s what you do: 3. Nothing wrong about wanting things to be nice for the holidays. 4. How to Be Happy in Life? | Happiness is a Choice. Written by Naren on October 31, 2008 I am reminded of an incident from my childhood and I think it makes sense to include it in this article. Whenever I used to get ill, my mom used to give me so much care and attention that I got a little spoiled. I started taking advantage of the situation, and sometimes just pretended to have a headache or fever.

I loved it when I was the center of attraction and getting anything I wanted. This game that we have learned as a child is one main reason why we choose to be sad and miserable instead of happy. The second important factor is that when people see others happy, they tend to get jealous -- because it reminds them of their own inner misery. However, when we are feeling sad or something bad has happened to us, lots of our friends console us with their words of comfort.

So, how can we overcome this and be happy in life? Let me offer you the following list of my suggestions and please do not mistake them as preaching: Understand Happiness Conclusion. Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation. Being Happy: How Not to Love Stuff. Do you want to live a happy life?

I’ve written before about being happy, but here I want to take a different angle and look at one important cause of unhappiness: loving stuff. Many people try to fill the void within them by buying more and more things they don’t need. When new gadgets come out, they buy them. When their friend has a new car, they want it too. But why does it happen? Why do people love stuff? The reason is that they believe it will make them happy. The answer is no. It makes your life cluttered. So what should we do? 1. When you realize the negative side of stuff (as discussed above), you will think twice before introducing more clutter into your life. 2. Instead of buying stuff, use your money to buy experiences. 3. Impulse buying is one of the main causes of acquiring too much stuff.

The way I avoid impulse buying is by first putting the item I want to buy into a wish list. 4. 5. Giving is the ultimate way to both avoid loving stuff and make you happier. How to Find Happiness. Note: This is a guest post from Mark Harrison of Thirty Days to Change Your Life Many years ago, I came across a book by Anthony de Mello called Awareness. De Mello was an Indian Jesuit priest whose writing was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. To me, he is a great source of inspiration, and he has much to say about happiness and pain. Life is easy, life is delightful. It’s only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, your cravings. One of De Mello’s key messages is that, by nature, life is not a struggle.

Does this mean we should have no preferences? We are surrounded by contrast, and one can choose – and enjoy – different experiences, without being attached to them. We are free to choose – and to prefer – some conditions over others. An analogy might be going for a long walk in the country – there will be various different scenes, and each one can be enjoyed. If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. Photo by Arwen Abendstern. 10 Things I Don’t Want for Christmas.