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Open Source Social Networking Platform. Get your own instance of Elgg running in no time. Requirements¶ MySQL 5+PHP 5.6+ with the following extensions:GD (for graphics processing)Multibyte String support (for i18n)Proper configuration and ability to send email through an MTAWeb server with support for URL rewriting Official support is provided for the following configurations: Apache serverApache with the rewrite module enabledPHP running as an Apache moduleNginx serverNginx with PHP-FPM using FastCGI By “official support”, we mean that: Most development and testing is performed with these configurationsMuch of the installation documentation is written assuming Apache or Nginx is usedPriority on bug reports is given to Apache and Nginx users if the bug is web server specific (but those are rare).

Browser support policy¶ Feature branches support the latest 2 versions of all major browsers as were available at the time of the first stable release on that branch. Android BrowserChromeFirefoxIESafari Overview¶ Upload Elgg¶ Warning Note Help! Ohne Titelgurctrctrc: Inhalt bearbeiten - Mahara. Chamilo Association - Chamilo 2.1 Demo Installation. Scrum Product Owner - Training Material.


9 Free Ning Alternatives And Some Open Source Solutions. Many people have started communities on the popular network creation site Ning since its inception. On April 15th they announced they would no longer offer their free services. Realize this isn’t the end of Ning as they point out The tens of thousands of you who already use our paid service represent over 75% of our traffic So I imagine most of the popular networks you belong to on Ning will remain in place. However, for the other 25% that might navigate elsewhere you have several options. Hosted Solutions Spruz Spruz seems to be the network of choice for most ex-ningers. Webs Webs gets 30 times the traffic of Spruz and any other network on this list falling short only to Ning at two-thirds its traffic. [Post from Webs welcoming Ning users] WackWall I guess being in beta it wouldn’t be fair to compare their traffic to some of the other sites on the list. [Post from WackWall welcoming Ning users] is another great choice based on open source software.

Grouply BigTent Zerista Groupsite. Insoshi/insoshi. The World's Most Advanced Free Community Software. Pligg CMS | Open Source Content Management System. Instalar Moodle 2.0.1 en Windows XP - 1, premisas. Traduccion_Entrevista_Tony_Bates.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) New Mentality Enters LMS Market. The following was posted as a guest blog on Michael Feldstein’s eLiterate site Since 2008 I have been sharing with clients the observation that the current generation of LMS solutions were conceived and designed circa 1996 – 2004. This timeframe was eons ago in terms of technology and business models.

Furthermore, the major LMS solutions were designed as solutions for specific institutions and only later “commercialized” for broad market release. In fact, this observation of LMS origins was a key reason behind the creation of the “squid chart” looking at the LMS market in one view. Notice the origins of each major LMS solution. Well, that situation has changed in a big way over the past year, and the LMS market will be the better for this change.

The educational technology market has become a new darling of the investment community, and when investment comes in, changes occur. Disclaimer: I do not endorse any one company over another, and am not doing so here. What does this mean? LMS Evaluations (Learning Management Systems) Learning Platform Selection: LMS – System decisions that meet strategic goals and requirements. Our highly experienced team can help you to delineate vendor hype from reality and, more importantly, lead you through the process of creating and implementing a plan for improving your learning management systems and services. No other organization can meet our unmatched history in the eLearning space. Every year, the Gilfus Education Group assists hundreds of eLearning and online training organizations, including academic institutions, in selecting or evaluating their LMS/LCMS.

In addition, many organizations embark on their own LMS Selection projects to understand which system is the best for them. For various reasons, each organization selects a specific application, be it open source or proprietary or because-of-ease-of use, costs or, functional and pedagogical reasons. Our services include: A Changing Environment Expert Resources Here are a few Learning Management System lists as resources: Eight Tips for LMS Implementation. Interview on the role of learning management systems. How To Evaluate An LMS – Use Case Scenarios. LMS SWOT Analysis. Redtray_lmswishlist.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) Plataforma e.ducativa. Estándares web. En este primer artículo sobre el tema presento a los estándares web, los beneficios de su uso, como empezar a trabajar con ellos y algunas conclusiones importantes para todo aquel que desea crear sitios web usables, fáciles de mantener.

Después de más de dos años trabajando con estándares web he querido compartir algunos comentarios al respecto. En este primer artículo sobre el tema presento a los estándares web, los beneficios de su uso, como empezar a trabajar con ellos y algunas conclusiones importantes para todo aquel que desea crear sitios web usables, fáciles de mantener y creados para el futuro. Al final incluyo una lista de recursos sumamente útiles. ¿Qué son estándares web? Los estándares web son un conjunto de recomendaciones dadas por el World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) y otras organizaciones internacionales acerca de cómo crear e interpretar documentos basados en el Web. Los beneficios del uso de estándares web El uso de validadores nos permite crear XHTML bien formado.

Libros: Creación de portales educativos. Busca material did ctico para proyectos educativos |Agrega. Best of Elearning! 2011 Award-Winners Named. Corona, CA (PRWEB) September 29, 2011 Elearning! Media Group, the industry voice of the enterprise learning and workforce technology market, announces the Best of Elearning! 2011 award-winners. Recipients are chosen by Elearning! Five vendors were multiple winners, including eCornell, which won in three categories: Best LMS (SaaS), Best Leadership Training, and Best Compliance/Certification Program.

This year’s results featured new winners in many categories, including some that have been dominated by perennial winners in the past. The Best of Elearning! Altogether, 56 products across 20 categories have been named best-in-class by learning professionals and executives in 2011. “Given the number of nominations, to earn an Award of Excellence is quite an honor,” says Catherine Upton, Elearning! Each honoree will be featured in the 2011 Best of Elearning! The 2011 Best of Elearning! Best Learning Management System (enterprise) - Winner: Meridian KSI Global LMS. Best I.T. Elearning!

Notas_portales_galileo Top 10 Free and Open Source eLearning Projects to Watch for 2012. Nowadays small and medium size organizations (SMEs), educational institutions, and independent consultants struggle to adopt an expensive eLearning solution. This is why I created the following list with the Top 10 Free and Open Source eLearning projects for 2012 that will help you implement a low cost eLearning solutions => Please leave a comment if you would like me to include another Free or Open Source eLearning project that needs to be mentioned!

Enjoy! Fedena – The best way to manage your school or college Fedena is a multipurpose school/campus management software which is used by thousands of educational institutions worldwide for all administration and management related activities. It helps you manage student, teacher databases and all other activities online. VoiceThread – collaborative presentations by collecting comments. Voki – a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages. Enterprise LMS from eFront. Barry Sampson | Open Source LMS – 10 Alternatives to Moodle. Since the economic downturn began I’ve noticed much more interest in open source Learning Management Systems (LMS), and it’s no surprise that when people ask what the options are, the answer is usually Moodle. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Moodle, but it certainly isn’t the only open source LMS out there.

Because there is no licensing cost involved with open source solutions, its easy for organisations to just jump in and set up the first solution that comes along. There is however a cost to installation and support, either financial or time related. Anyone setting up an LMS has a responsibility to research and choose the solution that is right for the learners and the organisation. As a starting point here are 10 open source alternatives to Moodle.

These are deliberately brief descriptions, and I would encourage you to visit these sites and explore each solution in some detail. Docebo In use in corporate and higher education settings. Like this: Like Loading... Votaciones abiertas para los mejores CMS Opensource en PacktPub. 33 Best of the Best Open Source Content Management Systems | Chemist2dio Labs. Years ago, creating HTML pages seems a lot of fun, ever since that era have been long gone, and our websites have pretty much gotten into dynamic pages which seems too tedious and totally crazy if you code them one by one, that coders don’t have much left with their lives to code another one. it’s a pain in the neck having to code from scratch when all you needed was a CMS or Content Management System, that does everything for you. So What exactly does a CMS do for you? Simply put it this way, You add, edit and delete content and CMS does the HTML pages for you without the typing a single code, yes not even the <html> tag.

There are also CMS that are unbelievably free, despite the fact that they do so many stuff for you, just like the one that I’m using, Wordpress , and I’m pretty much used to it, except creating a skin for it. Here are the best of the best open source CMS in no particular order. Wordpress Features Joomla Media Manager Web Link Management Menu Manager Template Management Typo3. Inicio.


Evaluación de portales. Los portales educativos - aportaciones - sugerencias para su uso - evaluación VER TAMBIÉN: avaluació dels portals educatius ( català) Los portales educativos son espacios web que ofrecen múltiples servicios a los miembros de la comunidad educativa (profesores, alumnos, gestores de centros i familias): información, instrumentos para la búsqueda de datos, recursos didácticos, herramientas para la comunicación interpersonal, formación, asesoramiento, entretenimiento… La mayoría de los portales son gratuitos y constituyen una cortesía de sus patrocinadores (normalmente instituciones educativas y empresas del sector) hacia sus destinatarios. De esta manera, mediante la oferta de servicios de interés para los miembros de la comunidad educativa, pretenden difundir una buena imagen institucional o contactar con clientes potenciales.

PLANTILLA DE EVALUACIÓN (archivo de la plantilla: FITPORT2.DOC) http// Educa5 Primeros pasos - EducaMadrid Ayuda. Una vez hemos accedido a la versión 5 del Portal Elegido el recordatorio para nuestra contraseña Accederemos a nuestras páginas privadas a través del menú principal (desplegable): Mis espacios web > Mi comunidad > Páginas privadas Y quitaremos el mensaje de bienvenida Nos aparecerá la siguiente pantalla desde la cual podremos comenzar a trabajar: Para acceder a los contenidos, a los archivos del disco duro de contenidos y a todas las demás funcionalidades que proporciona esta versión, nos situaremos con el puntero del ratón sobre nuestro nombre de usuario y nos aparecerá el siguiente menú desplegable: ¿Cómo puedo crear y gestionar contenidos?

Para gestionar y crear contenidos tienes que acceder al Administrador de contenidos, para ello pulsaremos sobre ¿Cómo accedo al Directorio de Ficheros? Para acceder al Directorio de ficheros pulsaremos sobre . ¿Cómo accedo a mi página web? En esta versión disponemos de dos tipos distintos de espacios webs: páginas privadas y públicas. Añadir Recurso. Ejemplo de clase en EducaMadrid. Portales Educativos. Webempresa. Instalación PHP y MYSQL en Windows 7. Portales de Centros Educativos.

Al realizar un básico análisis de la mayor parte de los sitios web en general, y de los centros educativos españoles en particular, el resultado suele ser bastante desalentador: Páginas que no se actualizan nunca, tablones de información planos sin interacción alguna entre usuarios, carencia de planificación y de uniformidad estructural, plantillas de diseño obsoletas y repetitivas, uso de enormes ficheros de imagen, películas flash destinadas solo a "decorar" sin ningún tipo de interactividad, etc.

Los motivos de esta baja calidad de los websites, aunque muy variados, por lo general encajan en alguna de las siguientes categorías: 1. Se utilizan herramientas de desarrollo inadecuadas, con nula o escasa capacidad para administrar un sitio web de manera eficiente a medio y largo plazo. 2. La página no es accesible ni comprensible para todos los participantes en el proyecto. 3. 1_busso_et_al.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) Barojas.pdf (application/pdf Objeto)