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AO Foundation. Journals of medicine. Atlas de dermatologie. Lancet. Biomedical Answers. Your key resource for biomedical information Embase is the world's most comprehensive international biomedical database, with resources for everything from clinical trials to pharmacovigilance studies. As a key resource for drug and medical device tracking, it enables you to get to market faster and stay current when it comes to safety information and compliance updates. Discover Embase Helping you succeed The breadth and depth of data is the central reason why information managers, regulatory specialists, clinicians, medical librarians, educators and physicians use Embase to track and retrieve precise information on drugs and diseases, from pre-clinical studies to searches on critical toxicological information.

Who uses Embase? A biomedical database that speaks your language Embase is a biomedical database with over 28 million indexed records from thousands of peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings — over 6 million of which can't be found in MEDLINE. Explore Emtree. Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. Português | english Contacto Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Servicios Personalizados Redes Búsqueda en la BVS método: Búsqueda Bibliográfica Directorios, Portales Comunicación Comunidades Virtuales / Espacios de Colaboración En-línea Acerca de la BVS Destacados Previous Next Redes Sociales Red de Noticias (en portugués) Eventos en Salud BIREME es un Centro Especializado de la OPS, establecido en Brasil desde 1967, en colaboración con Ministerio de Salud, Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría de la Salud del Estado de São Paulo y Universidad Federal de São Paulo BIREME - OPS - OMS Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud Area de Gestión del Conocimiento y Comunicaciones (KMC)Rua Botucatu, 862 - 04023-901 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil Tel: (55 11) 5576-9800 - Fax: (55 11) 5575-8868 BVS Site 5.2.13 © BIREME/OPS/OMS.

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