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Easy 3-loop braids. Download this tutorial as a pdf file for free here from me, not from Scribd.

Easy 3-loop braids

Please read my copyright info. [Don't download from the Scribd toolbar, they apparently charge a fee for 'free' downloads!] If a magnifying glass icon is visible in the window’s toolbar, clicking it once and then re-centering the text (click with your cursor within the window, then use your right-arrow key) should make the tutorial readable without having to go full-screen. The color set-ups for making all the braids in the cover photo, including the 2 textural/bumpy braids, are taught at the end of the document—after the instructions for the braiding moves. This tutorial (as well as all my spiral braid pdf photo-tutorials) is also available for free through the Braids_and_Bands yahoo group, see end of post.

[This earlier post has more photos of 3-loop braids, along with Spiral braids and 2-loop braids.] Loop Braiding. This is an index to all the loop braiding tutorials on my blog.

Loop Braiding

(Tutorials will open in a separate window.) These include fingerloop braiding* as well as a few hand-held loop braiding tutorials. To see all my posts, not just the tutorials, go to the Loop Braiding homepage to browse down the most recent ones, or for links to all of them go to this list of all my past posts. Info pages on loop braiding can be accessed through the menu tabs above, just below my header photo. Videos in my tutorials tend to be in slow-mo with a lot of talking. Btw, my header image is just a blog decoration photo of some of my loop braids, it isn’t specific to the tutorials. Make Silicone Cheerios! (What? Stop Looking At Me Like That.) Comb One, Comb All. Dude.

Comb One, Comb All.

What do you think of these earrings? Kinda cute, right? Dude. They're totally made from plastic hair combs. Just use a large wire cutter, snip your comb into little daggers and begin creating. Turn Clothespins Into Wirework Jewelry! (No Tools Needed.) I have seen various ways to use clothespins for jewelry, but I don't think I've ever seen this particular idea.

Turn Clothespins Into Wirework Jewelry! (No Tools Needed.)

I was playing around with clothespin springs, and was delighted by this design. Aw, aren't they cute? In addition to such simple, one-bead pendants, there be earrings... 5 minutes or less. Wear your jeans! Today I made this shabby chic bangle bracelet.

Wear your jeans!

From the inseam of an old pair of Levis. They can be made with any cute end beads to suit your style. It was sooo simple. And I am pretty sure your pre-teen, your teen, and maybe even you will think it's fun to wear. Ifat Nesher by IfatNesher. Jewelry. I’ve done a little reorganizing, so you can now find all my Jewelry Tutorials Here!


If you want to look for something specific, you can find Necklaces Here, Bracelets Here, and Earrings Here! Have fun! [a few good things]: lovely leaves. Being a camp counselor this summer at a non arts camps has resurfaced the truth about my skills when it comes to sports.

[a few good things]: lovely leaves.

I can't play them. Any of them. DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet. We’re nuts for nuts.

DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet

Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! DIY Rope Bracelet. Climbing rope?

DIY Rope Bracelet

Bracelets? Count us in. Inspired by Miansai‘s colorful, stackable and adjustable rope bracelets, we were determined to add another do-it-yourself bracelet to our growing collection. DIY Macrame Bracelet. Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage.

DIY Macrame Bracelet

Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands.

Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. T. J. Potter, Sling Maker - 4 Strand Flat Braid #1. Instructions for a 4-strand Flat Braid #1 Of the two 4-strand flat braids I use, this braid is the wider and more symmetrical of the two. It is a nice braid to use for finger loops on slings, but because it develops a natural twist unless made of flat lace, I don't like to use it for sling cords, although I have seen it used for that purpose on some slings. To start the braid, hold two strands in each hand. Take the outside right-hand strand and pass it over the inside right-hand strand and grab it with the left hand.

Keep it to the inside of the other left-hand strands, as shown by the blue arrow. Knots - Bead&Button Magazine. 11x4x3 tutorial part 3. Continue around the mold placing the cord OVER/UNDER on the left side and UNDER/OVER on the right side. When you get back to the starting point you will notice that the first standing part and the running part are parallel and follow the same over/under sequence. This indicates that the knot is complete! You may follow the standing part around with the cord to "double" the weave and follow around again to "triple" the weave. Carefully remove the excess slack as you go. This shows the knot worked up to finished shape with three passes of the cord. Making a french sennit tutorial. Cut eight pieces of cord 12 ft long and one 6 ft long.

“Middle” the 12ft length. This gives us 16 strands at 72”. Wrapped Knot. Paracord Survival Bracelet Suzi's Crafts. After the positive response we had with The Magic Braid, we decided it would be fun to combine my pictures into a “mini tutorial”. Macrame Wave Pattern Tutorial by =ChaosFay on deviantART.