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10 Trends to Personalize Learning in 2015. 2015 is the year the focus will finally turn the corner by organizations in education and the business world to get it right: it is about the learner. It is not about calling it “Personalized Instruction” or “Personalized Education.” It is not about the technology, the curriculum, or instruction. It is about the learner making learning personal for his or herself. It is about teacher and learner roles changing. Learning Culture Belief System Culture in a school and our understanding of teaching and learning does not change unless we have a shared belief system.

Throughout 2015, we will be taking each one of these trends and elaborating on them in future posts. What does learning look like? A while ago, I created this poster “A Tale of Two Classrooms.” It wasn’t meant as a statement of “Classroom B is best.” It wasn’t even meant as a statement of “Classroom A is awful.” It was meant as a representation of Classroom A and B. I know Classroom A and B quite well. Both of them are mine. The teacher I was trained to be in college? I look back on what I used to do and it was what worked for me at the time. What Is 'Personalized Learning'? Educators Seek Clarity.