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Foodbuzz. Sfinge – A Moroccan Vegan Doughnut - Washington Blog Posts - Foodbuzz. A small, humble, working class neighborhood in Ashdod along the Mediterranean Sea in Southern Israel I called home ever since I was in third grade. Ashdod was known to be the second largest seaport in Israel, after Haifa, with many white weeping broom** adorned sand dunes now gone, remains a distant, nostalgic memory of mine.

The sea, a deep blue and glistening turquoise as ever, breathtaking as you drive, and it suddenly appears just around the bend, as you pass the mall, built over my childhood soft sand dunes. The sight of the Mediterranean appearing in its full splendor always makes me gasp in delightful surprise, the beauty indescribable. I am weary of the sea but awe inspired at its powerful beauty. A small grocer, in the middle of a rundown concrete strip of three stores, just steps away as we walk down from our second story apartment. A Moroccan synagogue nearby housed in a similar concrete structure, with worshippers putting on tefillin every morning and just before sundown. White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Cookies. Caramel Apple Ice Cream Sundae. Remember those pictures I posted about ten days ago? The ones where snow was falling in our backyard?

Well, we’re back in shorts because the temperatures shot back up to the 70s. One side of me wants to dive into comfort dishes – soups, stews and apple and pumpkin desserts epitomize autumn. The other side wants to hold onto summer for a few weeks longer – cold drinks, fresh salads. Oh yeah, and ice cream. So, what can one do but make a dessert that bridges both seasons, using the cooling textures of summer with the rich flavors of autumn? As I learned from the Almond Joy Ice Cream I made in the summer, it’s okay to use store-bought ice cream (okay, it needs to be high-quality) if you pair it with some tasty ingredients.

My boys helped me with every step. Every last drip. While we are able to enjoy this summertime-like dessert, the reality is that we are fully back into the swing of the fall schedule. Reminder: Don’t forget to stop by and link-up your Halloween recipe and craft posts. Apple Cake and food photography workshop. Ottobre 18, 2011 A slice of apple cake resting on a rustic table, the inviting smell of sugar and butter warmed up by a ray of sunshine… Yeah, you would presume that this is the natural light of an arched window overlooking the hills in front of Casole, right? Well, no, this photo was taken during Dario Milano‘s food styling and food photography workshop, which was held last Saturday at the Verrocchio Art Centre. And I was using artificial lighting… An illuminating day, it is appropriate to say.

Dario’s professionalism, enthusiasm, generosity and curiosity of Darius have charmed our group of foodbloggers, foodies and photographers. We were completely in awe. A few shots to describe emotionally a day of discovery, friendship and inspiration. It was amazing to see through Dario’s eyes, to understand how to make real an image, working on the details, on the mathematical ratio between exposure, ISO, aperture and shutter speed. My Grandma’s apple cake Recipe type: Dessert. Rum Infused Salted Caramel/Chocolate Wedges On A Buttery Shortbread Crust. Can't you just taste that oozing caramel now? My son Joshie wanted me to read to him the other night. He brought out a book that we’ve had since my older kids were little. It’s called “Ben Finds A Friend. This has got to be the most depressing children’s book ever written. Poor Ben is a lonely little boy who just wants a pet but the parents from Hell have excuses for every pet suggestion he brings to them.

A dog? Nope; too messy and tears up the furniture (Hello? So then he goes back to mom and asks for a Monkey. Then he wanted a Hamster. So how does this ultimately end as you’re trying as a reader to figure out how to call fictional CPS for emotional neglect? Ben needs chocolate. Rum Infused Salted Caramel/Chocolate Wedges On A Buttery Shortbread Crust. Challenge Recipes | The Daring Kitchen. Top-quality baking recipes - King Arthur Flour.