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13 Moon Calendar Tutorial. The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13 Moon-28-day calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens to view both our day-to-day and planetary events. Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually (364 days), the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the higher-dimensional order!

It is simple to follow day-to-day as it is marked with the dates of the Gregorian calendar. 13 Moon Calendar - Simple Cycles The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of elegantly simple cycles. Namely: The 7-day week and 28-day moon. This is the seven-day week, every week in the 13 Moon calendar is exactly the same, a cycle of 7 days, which is also called a heptad.

Each moon (or month) on the 13 Moon calendar contains exactly four seven-day weeks or heptads. 7 x 4 = 28. 13 Moons x 28 days = 364 days = 52 seven-day weeks. Congratulations! Haab' The Haab' (Mayan pronunciation: [haːɓ]) is part of the Maya calendric system. It was the Maya version of the 365-day calendar known to many of the pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. Unlike the Tzolk'in, another Mayan Calendar system with no obvious relation to an astronomical or geophysical cycle, the Haab' approximated the solar year. Description[edit] The Haab' comprises eighteen "months" of twenty days each, plus an additional period of five days ("nameless days") at the end of the year known as Wayeb' (or Uayeb in 16th-century orthography). Bricker (1982) estimates that the Haab' was first used around 500 BCE with a starting point of the winter solstice.[2] The Haab' month names are most commonly referred to by their names in colonial-era Yucatec (Yukatek).

Inscriptions on The Temple of the Cross at Palenque shows clearly that the Maya were aware of the true length of the year, even though they did not employ the use of leap days in their system of calculations generally. Tzolk'in. Tzolk'in (Mayan pronunciation: [t͡sol ˈkʼin], from the revised Guatemala Mayan languages Academy orthography, which is preferred by the linguists of the Summer Institute of Linguistics; formerly and commonly tzolkin) is the name bestowed by Mayanists on the 260-day Mesoamerican calendar originated by the Maya civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The tzolk'in, the basic cycle of the Maya calendar, is a pre-eminent component in the society and rituals of the ancient and the modern Maya. The tzolk'in is still in use by several Maya communities in the Guatemalan highlands. Its use is marginal but spreading in this region, although opposition from Evangelical Christian converts continues in some communities.

The word tzolk'in, meaning "division of days", is a western coinage in Yukatek Maya. The Twenty Day Names[edit] The tzolk'in calendar combines a cycle of twenty named days with another cycle of thirteen numbers (the trecena), to produce 260 unique days (i.e., 20 × 13 = 260). YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR - Kin 76 - on the 13-Moon Natural Time Dreamspell Calendar - Destiny Pattern Wavespell Famous People Births Deaths and Events. YellowSpectral Warrior Yellow Warrior is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove.

Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind. Yellow Warrior is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. Yellow Warrior's colours are indigo and gold, combining the limitlessness of the night sky with the freedom of the daytime Sun. Yellow Warrior is also your Higher Self & Guide. In Yellow Warrior's star-glyph, notice the three sets of three pillars. Those on the path of the central pillar paradoxically 'give all to attain no-thing.' Hunab Ku. Hunab Ku (Mayan pronunciation: [huˈnaɓ ku]) is a Yucatec Maya word meaning "The Only God" used in colonial, and more particularly in doctrinal texts, to refer to the Christian God.

Since the word is found frequently in the Chilam Balam of Chumayel, regarded by some as indigenous writing not influenced by Christianity, some authors have proposed that the name was originally used for an indigenous Maya deity, which was later transferred to the Christian god but recent research has shown this to be unlikely. Rather the word was a translation into Maya of the Christian concept of the "One God", used to enculturate the previously polytheist Maya to the new Colonial religion.[1] References to Hunab Ku have figured prominently in New Age Mayanism such as that of José Argüelles.

Hunab Ku as the Christian God[edit] However, the interpretation of Hunab Ku as a pre-Hispanic deity is not widely accepted by Mayanist scholars today. Hunab Ku in New Age Belief[edit] Hunab Ku as Symbol[edit] See also[edit] Yellow Planetary Star/ Yellow Magnetic Sun - Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 10. Human Butterfly Crop Circle, Netherlands, 2009 (c) Judith Ann Griffith Dreamspell: Yellow Planetary Star (10 Lamat), Kin 88 I perfect in order to beautify Producing art I seal the store of elegance With the planetary tone of manifestation I am guided by the power of intelligence I am a galactic activation portal Enter me. 289th day of the 13 moon year: 289 = 17 squared. Aztec Sunstone Calendar, Mexico Long Count: Yellow Magnetic Sun (1 Ahau), Kin 40 I unify in order to enlighten Attracting life I seal the matrix of universal fire With the magnetic tone of purpose I am guided by my own power doubled.

All of life, every molecule, every grain of sand has the seed of unity - pre-conscious, unconscious or conscious *Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2012-2013. Ajna Chakra - Third Eye. 13 Moon Calendar Tutorial.