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Do people have a moral duty to have children if they... Many people want to have children.

Do people have a moral duty to have children if they...

But they might wonder: is it ethical to bring a child into this broken world, where she might suffer – and partake in – various harms and injustices? Others prefer not to have children. This choice also raises ethical qualms: is it ‘selfish’ to refrain from procreating? Are non-parents failing to contribute to the future of humanity – to the building of the next generation – in a way that we all should if we can? It is tempting to dismiss such questions on the grounds that whether or not you have kids is a personal matter. True enough. Is it fair to your would-be child to bring her into a life that will inevitably contain significant amounts of pain, discomfort, suffering and heartache? If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Yes, you can expect your child’s life to contain happiness, satisfaction, joy and love. This inference is too quick. Get Aeon straight to your inbox Video.

Thoughts for ParentsShining Mountains Press - The Watercourse Way Montessori, Lao Tzu and The Watercourse Way By Dr.

Thoughts for ParentsShining Mountains Press -

Jim McFarland Twenty five hundred years ago, an old Chinese sage, Lao Tzu, wrote down eighty one short verses. These verses became the Tao Te Ching. “She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger. Maria Montessori was also a very careful observer. Lao Tzu sums up his teaching by saying, “I have just three things to teach: SimplicityPatienceCompassion These three are your greatest treasures. When we simply look within we find our inherent beingness. Adhering to Simplicity reveals to us great inner powers.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo DaVinci The second defining principle of the Taoist watercourse way is Patience. Montessori also believed in non-interfering, softness, yielding and independence for the child. Patience is not the ability to wait. Total reconciliation, acceptance and love of self and others, in their unity and pure form, lies at the heart of compassion. Father-Daughter Relationship l Fathering Daughters. New fatherhood can spark fear of the unknown—especially if the baby’s a girl.

Father-Daughter Relationship l Fathering Daughters

A man may have grown up with sisters and learned about women from his partner, but neither set of experiences can prepare him completely for the father-daughter relationship. And, given dads’ importance to the social and emotional development of their daughters, fathers have every reason to be concerned. The good news is that for the first 18 months, baby girls and boys are pretty much the same. In my own experience as the dad of both, girls are actually easier, especially with diaper changing—you don’t have to remember to point their pipework down before fastening the tabs. But if I complain about taking care of my little girl—or if I don’t complain enough—I’m admonished by seasoned parents: “Oh, just wait till she’s a teenager!”

More than an Enforcer The idea of girls actually wanting father-involvement may sound far-fetched, but it’s a familiar story to Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Wannabes. 15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know  “I feel sorry for you when they become teenagers.”

15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know 

“Dude, you’re surrounded by women.” “What did you do to deserve that?” Being a dad of four daughters (we also have one son), I hear stuff like this almost daily. And honestly, I’m the one who feels sorry for people who think this way. Having daughters is one of the greatest joys I could imagine. I certainly don’t have it all figured out, but I have learned 15 things about raising girls these last 11 years. 1. 8 Things A Girl Needs From Her Father.

Life to Her Years. Like what you see here?

Life to Her Years

Like Life to Her Years on Facebook for more great tips for dads of daughters! 1. Love her mom. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and a big heaping spoonful of public displays of affection. When she grows up, the odds are good she’ll fall in love with and marry someone who treats her much like you treated her mother. 2. 3.