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iPads in the Classroom

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Taking Notes on the iPad to Make Observations of Students in the Classroom. ByclassroomtechnologyonSeptember 25, 2011 Last year, we were looking for notetaking software to make observations of students in the classroom.

Taking Notes on the iPad to Make Observations of Students in the Classroom

We wanted an organization system that was quick and easy to use.We wanted an easy way to find information from our notes.We wanted a way to be able to share and collaborate with other colleagues. In short, we wanted a quick and easy way to take notes on an iPad in the classroom. (A lot of us bring our iPads to school; Here are some reasons why iPads should be used in the classroom.)

There are lots of great note taking apps and solutions on the iPad: How to use WriteRoom, TextExpander, and DropBox to quickly and easily take notes on your iPad that you can access from anywhere and share with anyone. WriteRoom is a $4.99 app. 1 to 1 iPad Implementation. Scholastic Administrator is pleased to invite you to an exclusive education leadership event at Scholastic's New York headquarters in SoHo.

1 to 1 iPad Implementation

Be a part of this special opportunity to come together to share ideas, find out about the latest technology, and discover what your peers are accomplishing. Join us on August 18 as Roslyn superintendent Dan Brenner and Plainedge superintendent Edward Salina Jr. explain how their iPad pilot went from a small trial to the front page of the New York Times while garnering their Long Island districts international attention. Learn how they set up the experiment, what they discovered, and why they will be expanding it this year. Please RSVP to as soon as possible, as space is limited.

WHEN: August 18, 2011WHERE: Scholastic, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012TIME: 9:30AM–2:00PM Cost: FREE Attend the event for a chance to win several raffle prizes including an iPad and Scholastic classroom library! iPads in Class. By Wayne D'Orio If you step inside the study hall at Roslyn High School and close your eyes, the conversation you hear could be the soundtrack at any high school in the country.

iPads in Class

What's cool is being debated, shared, and reviewed by an eager group. When you open your eyes, you realize how unique this discussion actually is. One reason is because the group includes not only high school juniors, seniors, and their teachers, but also the district's assistant superintendent and superintendent. The biggest reason is the topic everyone is still buzzing about: iPads, apps, and accessories and how best to use these tools in classrooms. In December, this Long Island, New York, high school started an iPad pilot project. "We did not give out the iPad because we thought it was a cool toy," says Superintendent Dan Brenner. iPad%20write%20up. Cg-ctlworkshop02.wikispaces. iPad Apps. How do I get Apps to this device?

iPad Apps

Or If you are new to the mobile world, what is an App? App or an application is a program that can be installed on to the device. The app will have an icon associated with it. An app can be purchased through iTunes App Store on your computer or through the App Store app on the iPad (If you need to download iTunes, click here). An iTunes account/Apple ID will be needed to download apps. Notes on Selecting Apps: When selecting an app, there is not one app that is perfect for everyone. iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and mobile devices in education. Ipad-as-a-pedagogical-device. It's the Pedagogy, Stupid: Lessons from an iPad Lending Program. Recently, we were tasked with developing policies and procedures for an equipment lending program initiated within the Faculty Technology Resources Center at the University of Cincinnati.

It's the Pedagogy, Stupid: Lessons from an iPad Lending Program

The program was conceived as a method for encouraging the use of technology in the classroom. By loaning equipment to faculty for an academic term, we would encourage them to evaluate—and hopefully innovate—the utility of various "cutting edge" technologies with no financial risks to themselves or their departments. Some colleges and universities are already providing all incoming students with iPads. Generally, these tend to be smaller, private institutions or individual programs within larger ones. However, as a large, public, urban institution, the University of Cincinnati is in no position either to "give" all its incoming first-year students cutting-edge devices like the iPad, or to require students to acquire the devices themselves.

Blogs. iPad Adventures at Lower School.