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Amateur Radio Antenna Projects. Helical Antenna (Helix Antenna) The most popular helical antenna (helix) is a travelling wave antenna in the shape of a corkscrew that produces radiation along the axis of the helix antenna.

Helical Antenna (Helix Antenna)

These helix antennas are referred to as axial-mode helical antennas. The benefits of this helix antenna is it has a wide bandwidth, is easily constructed, has a real input impedance, and can produce circularly polarized fields. The basic geometry of the helix antenna shown in Figure 1. H - Total height of helix antenna, H=NS. Antenas OWA. Antenas YAGI OWA ( Optimized Wideband Antenna : antena otimizada para banda larga ) Por PY4ZBZ em 03-08-2006 rev. 29-10-2013 Obs.: As medidas dos radiadores são de PONTA a PONTA, não importando o espaço central !

Antenas OWA

Princípio da OWA.