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Verkhoshansky Site. The interest on the issues treated by Natalia Verkhoshansky in the 2012 Richmond Seminar has gone beyond any expectation.

Verkhoshansky Site

For this reason we decide to publish the two presentations with the aim to involve more people in the discussion sharing with them this information. You may download the presentations clicking on the titles or pictures showed below. . “Shock Method and Plyometrics: updates and in-depth examination” Dr. A Hardcore Look At Wendler's 5/3/1 Powerlifting Routine. February 23, 2014 Check out the new Cube calculator for Brandon Lilly’s program.

November 23, 2013 Two great new features that make using the calculator easier than ever... First, the form now remembers all your data from the last time you clicked the “Calculate Program” button.