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Splash Photography: How to Capture Liquid Motion. Freezing motion using high-speed photography basically gives you magic powers!

Splash Photography: How to Capture Liquid Motion

Abstract Underwater Art By Kim Keever – New York-based artist Kim Keever creates abstract underwater art with paint for his series ‘Abstract Images‘.

Abstract Underwater Art By Kim Keever –

Using a huge fish tank, the former NASA engineer-turned-artist drops various colors of paint into the water, which creates dreamy landscapes. Keever’s artworks has been exhibited in numerous collections across the States, such as The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Speaking of the process behind it, Keever says: “It took me about two years of imagining what it would look like to totally simplify my working process. When I finally tried just dropping paint into water and photographing the results through a 200 gallon aquarium wall, to my amazement, the paint dispersed in so many interesting ways. (…) Even after 20,000 shots I can’t predict which will be completely successful and only a fraction are printed.

But I have accepted the lack of control and embrace the randomness.” All images © Kim Keever. CazPhoto Blog. Joe’s Splash Art demo setup I have recently acquired a new piece of equipment for my High Speed Liquid Splashes.

CazPhoto Blog

It’s the Splash Art II Kit from Joe Dyer at High Speed Photography UK. I found the gear through a group on Flickr and noticed that Joe lived just a few miles form me – so went over for a demo. He was very happy to show me what the kit could do, I was very impressed and bought one on the spot! The Comprehensive Water Drop Photography Guide. Not a long while ago the net was exploding with Corrie White’s Fun with Water set on Flickr.

The Comprehensive Water Drop Photography Guide

Her control over those drops, their color and their timing was remarkable indeed. This is why I am very exited to share Corrie’s very extensive guide for water drops photography. The guide is for all levels going explaining the setup, lights, optional use of a drip mechanism and post. Equipment List Starting with water drop photography is fairly easy, you need nothing more than a camera and a way to make drops. Here is what it come to in the end. Manual Method The first thing you will need to take care of is creating the drops. As I progressed, my main dropper became a medicine dropper which had a softer bulb and was more suitable for controlling the pressure for releasing drops. How To – 9 Great Water Splash Tutorials. A Splash of Colour Ep 142: Take and Make Great Photos with Gavin Hoey: Adorama Photography TV. Heart Shaped Water Splash Ep 128: Take & Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey. Paint Splash Photography.

Wineglass Splash Studio Photography Tutorial. Markus Reugels (MarkusReugels) Photos - 500px. Edgerton Center. - Demonstration Scripts. Activities in High-Speed Photography back to Activities | For Teachers Demonstrations of High-Speed Phenomena Scripts for effective demonstrations of some interesting phenomena are given below. - Demonstration Scripts

The Demonstrations Demonstration 1. Cautions: Since this demonstration uses flashing lights, the audience needs to be warned that flashing lights have been known to cause seizures. Equipment: Electronic stroboscope Electronic flash unit Large fan with variable-speed control (blades should be replaced with a large, black cardboard disc) Post cards or pictures taped to cardboard disc Post-It note taped to the perimeter of the disc and extending several inches beyond Equipment note: The electronic flash unit must be adjusted to give a very short burst of light.

Method: Turn the fan on to a medium speed. Rationale: This demonstration shows that the blurring that is common when viewing fast-moving objects (rotating, in this case) is due, at least partially, to the lighting under which the objects are viewed. How to photograph a splash of water - Week 52. How To Create And Photograph Colorful Figures With Water Drops. How to Photograph Swirling Splashes of Liquid. Shooting splashes is always great fun, even if it’s a simple image with a coffee cup and a falling piece of refined sugar.

How to Photograph Swirling Splashes of Liquid

Plus, there is always so much room for experimentation for even more fun! When I made the “Empty Cup” image seen above, many people asked me how I shot it. Liquid and Splash Photography with Speedlites: an easy way to get awesome splash images. Splash and Liquid hight-speed photography tutorail: what strobe is good to freeze action? How to photograph a Water Droplet without Flash. Art Of Water Sculpture Begins. Splash photography: capture split-second splashes with our tutorial. Capturing the exact moment a falling object splashes into liquid can produce amazing photos, but to get good results you’ll need sound camera skills, the right kit, and a good deal of patience.

Splash photography: capture split-second splashes with our tutorial

In this splash photography tutorial we’re going to show you how to shoot a staple of TV cereal ads – the classic combo of strawberries and milk. The aim is to freeze the motion of the falling strawberry at the split second it breaks the surface of the milk for spectacular close-up splash photography. It’s not an exact science; you might nail the shot on your first try or your hundredth, but that’s all part of the fun!

As well as the strawberries and milk, you’ll need a tripod and a flashgun. Frontal flash destroys depth, and depth is exactly what we need in order to capture the contours of the splashing milk, so we’ll light the splash from the side by firing the flash off-camera. We also need to make sure the flash duration is short, in order to freeze the motion without blur. 01 Set up the shot. High speed photography: how to use flash, not shutter speed, to freeze action. Discover how to stop high-speed action with hotshoe flash.

High speed photography: how to use flash, not shutter speed, to freeze action

In this tutorial we show you an alternative high-speed photography technique that doesn’t require a super-fast shutter speed. A flashgun is a superb tool for freezing action in high speed photography, but you need to know what you’re doing if you are going to make time stand still with your strobe. Get it right and you can get perfectly sharp shots, even when your subject is moving very quickly, without the need for a super-fast shutter speed. Common mistakes at every shutter speed (and the best settings you should use) At a basic level, shutter speed is used to control exposure, but it can also be used as a creative tool that freezes action or adds dramatic blur to moving subjects.

Common mistakes at every shutter speed (and the best settings you should use)

However, whenever we venture outside our comfort zone, this is where we encounter problems. That’s not to say we shouldn’t do it. All famous photographers will tell you they wouldn’t have achieved anything without leaving their comfort zone. So in this tutorial we’ll explain some of the common mistakes you might encounter while trying to achieve the five classic shutter speed effects of freezing movement, blurring action, using blur creatively, long exposures and night photography.

After we look at some of the common problems within these shutter speed ranges, we’ll suggest the best shutter speeds for you to use to achieve these effects and offer our best tips for overcoming these errors. High-Speed Photography Tutorial with Splashes and Flashes. How to photograph a splash of water - Week 52. Water Splash Photography: Does Elinchrom Ranger Quadra RX freeze water splash? Thought Behind the Shot: Water Drop From a Faucet. This weeks (although it’s a week late) Thought Behind the Shot was chosen by my amazing Facebook fans.

Thought Behind the Shot: Water Drop From a Faucet

I had a feeling this would be the photo you guys would pick The thought behind the shot was a droplet of water that’s extremely sharp, crisp and timed just right. To be quite honest, I went into this shot without any thinking at all. Product Photography Tutorial – Glass of Whiskey with Splash and Ice Drop.

OK, lets start from shooting table. Everybody saw Alex’s shooting table made from old tripod. I using similar solution – light stand, tripod head and acrylic sheet glued to quick release plate. Tripod head is 3-way so adjustment to straight level is very easy task. I can put other surface on while acrylic sheet if I need diferente color. I used the very popular Photigy Savage Translum plastic as the background. Because the glass have cylindrical shape and it works like a “wide angle lens” so the background must be wide otherwise there will be black areas on glass like on photo below: I used a spot on the background and that spot must be large otherwise the glass will be very dark.

If you would like to have ice cubes above the glass and it’s hard to shoot, you can use clear adhesive tape and it will all be much easier. To get the splash with no motion blur all the lights were in “action mode” with flash duration about 1/5000s. Profoto D1 Air 500 vs Photogenic vs Elinchrom BRX500: Part 2, splash test. Wineglass Splash Photography Tutorial. Bottle & drinks photography. Creative Still Life Photography: Ep 216: Digital Photography 1 on 1.

How to Shoot Colored Light and Water - Tuts+ Photo & Video Tutorial. The challenge was simple: photograph colored light and water for an awesome shot. A good excuse to try something I had been thinking about for quite some time. Here are the results. Camera, flash, tripod, color gels and bathtub! Photographing water is a fun indoor activity that can occupy you for a lot of time. It is not very difficult, contrary to what some people believe, and even with a compact camera and integrated flash, handheld, you can get some good photographs. Some of the most spectacular photographs you will see of water droplets need special equipment, sometimes too expensive for the occasional session, but for many photographs what you need most is patience. A macro lens will also help with this project, but it is not essential. As you may be able to tell from these image, I have a fascination with water and have made many pictures. For color in the background, I use everything from colored trays to oranges and lemons.

Advertising product photography water splash tutorial By Akelstudio.