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Restaurant Jasmijn Tot 52% - Groningen. Het Nederlandstalig Arduino forum - Bekijk onderwerp - Verzend data vanuit Arduino naar Googleforms en spreadsheet. SVP nog ff geen commentaar toevoegen tot ik klaar ben.

Het Nederlandstalig Arduino forum - Bekijk onderwerp - Verzend data vanuit Arduino naar Googleforms en spreadsheet

E.ON Benelux Levering - jaarafrekening - bartsloet - Gmail. Een verslag van de voortgang van mijn hobbyproject. Tenminste, zo lijkt het.

Een verslag van de voortgang van mijn hobbyproject

Vandaag samen met m’n zoon Rens een tekening van een gitaar (Gibson SG) bewerkt, verkleind, omgezet naar gcode en vervolgens aan GRBL op de Arduino gevoerd. Ten pimped-out projects for the Raspberry Pi. 2013 will be an exciting year in the world of gadgets -- new game consoles are launching, gadgets to automate homes and improve health are popping up regularly, and this could finally be the year the mythical Apple TV ships.

Ten pimped-out projects for the Raspberry Pi

While these are all undeniably cool, the gadgets that will really transform the future are being prototyped in hackerspaces and garages all over the world. Increasingly, the Raspberry Pi is the platform of choice for these forward-thinking gadgeteers. Makers are using the tiny $35 (£22) platform to help the blind, manage their email, play games -- even put on pyrotechnic stage shows that would make the most hardened hair band weep with joy. These 10 projects show the enormous potential of this tiny board and should keep your weekend full of prototyping fun. Time-Lapse Dolly Moving time-lapse videos are a sweet art form, but kind of tricky to pull off. Maker Station: The Portable Reconfigurable Work Station for all Makers.

When I started this project I wanted to build a work station that I could use for a variety of projects and that I could take with me when I do demonstrations.

Maker Station: The Portable Reconfigurable Work Station for all Makers

I also wanted something that wouldn't be flimsy and something with a lot of utility in terms of usable surfaces and storage options. After a lot of sketching, research, playing around with 3D models, and good old trial and error I came up with the Maker Station, a re-configurable, collapsible, portable work station that has everything you'd want when your ready to set down and make something awesome. In this Instructable I will be teaching you how to build a maker station of your own, I'll cover The various tools and materials you will need, I'll discuss the concepts and designs that influenced the final product, and then I'll walk you through the build process so that you'll have all the information needed to successfully tackle this project.

Features of the Maker Station -30" X 31" Working Surface. Bike Wall Mount. Wood lighting. Controlling fan or motor speed with PWM. The Nova—A DIY Oculus Rift! (UPDATED!) Hello, Instructables!

The Nova—A DIY Oculus Rift! (UPDATED!)

Today, I will be showing you how to make your very own DIY Oculus Rift called The Nova! In this instructable, I will be walking you through the design of The Nova's headset, the build process of said headset, and the head tracking techniques used in order to create the illusion of virtual reality. Without any further ado, let's get to building! Rplay - VMLite. NASA Sending Lettuce Plants to International Space Station. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy There's something rewarding about sticking your hands deep into the soil and planting your own garden.

NASA Sending Lettuce Plants to International Space Station

And while astronauts aboard the International Space Station won't be able to get that sense of satisfaction, researchers at the Kennedy Space Center are still trying their hardest to get some greenery into space in the form of red romaine lettuce. ARDUINO SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER (PWM) [ Play Video ] In my previous instructables I described the details of energy monitoring of a off grid solar system.I have also won the 123D circuits competition for that.You can see this ARDUINO ENERGY METER.


Finally I post my new version-3 charge controller.The new version is more efficient and works with MPPT algorithm. You can see it by clicking the following link. ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER (version-3.0) You can see my version-1 charge controller by clicking the following link. A New Solar / Wind Charge Controller Based on the 555 Chip. UPDATE This 555 based solar charge controller project has won first place in the Utility Category of the 555 Design Contest!!!!!

A New Solar / Wind Charge Controller Based on the 555 Chip

Scroll to the bottom of the page for more information on the contest. Several years ago I began building my own wind turbines and solar panels to provide power on my remote, off-grid property. A charge controller is an essential part of any wind or solar system to ensure the batteries aren't over or under charged. The charge controller monitors the battery voltage and switches the batteries off charge when they are fully charged, and switches them back on charge when they reach a pre-set level of discharge.

Futuristic Food Probes - Philips Design Food Concepts are the Future of Nourishment. The new conceptual designs by Phillips Design are the future of food.

Futuristic Food Probes - Philips Design Food Concepts are the Future of Nourishment

Usb Android Display. Project Huertomato Overview. Hello World! Project Huertomato is born with the aim of providing the hydroponics and aquaponics community with a centralized and easy tool for managing their entire system. It was developed from it’s early stages with the open-source arduino philosophy in mind. Right now it’s a functional prototype and has been through two major hardware revisions and countless software ones. - Hardware Overview - Design Engineer Community. Cordless Drill Motor as Gear Motor. The idea is to take apart a relatively cheap cordless drill and use the motor as a mains powered gear motor with arduino speed control.

Cordless Drill Motor as Gear Motor

Step 1. Dismantle a drill. I happened to have this drill in the junk box because the battery was no longer holding it’s charge. The motor was working perfectly fine. I considered keeping the speed control circuit and direction switch but dismantling them to see how they worked left me with a pile of bits and a few lose springs. Bitmap converter for mono and color LCD displays. LCD Assistant LCD Assistant is a free tool for converting monochromatic bitmaps to data arrays for easy use with programs for embedded systems with microcontrollers and graphics monochromatic LCD displays like a T6963C, KS0108, SED1335 etc. Program create files for use with any C compiler : for AVR, ARM, PIC, 8051 and ohter microcontrollers.

You can use directly with Arduino, mbed and any other design environment based on C compiler. If you use graphic LCDs and you want to display pictures, this program is for You! You can draw image in you best graphic editor and save it in *.bmp file. To convert image from bitmap file (or other standard graphics file format) to data array select from File menu command 'Load image'. SpectralWorkbench. Video Spectrometer Construction. This page documents the construction of the video spectrometer, which is no longer actively supported. Please see one of the following newer designs: Foldable Mini-spectrometer - small paper model which attaches to a smartphoneDesktop Spectrometry Kit - similar, but built in a conduit boxSmartphone Spectrometer - high-precision rigid plastic version which attaches to a smartphone Also consider purchasing a Public Lab kit from our store: Order one from our store » These instructions are no longer up to date.

DIY spectroscopy - Hackteria. DIY spectroscopy From Hackteria Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] Some links to spectroscopy.