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Facebook Twitter Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint. “When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,” General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter. The slide has since bounced around the Internet as an example of a military tool that has spun out of control. Like an insurgency, PowerPoint has crept into the daily lives of military commanders and reached the level of near obsession. The amount of time expended on PowerPoint, the presentation program of computer-generated charts, graphs and bullet points, has made it a running joke in the Pentagon and in Iraq and Afghanistan. “PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” General McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. Commanders say that behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making.

La pensée PowerPoint - Franck FROMMER - Éditions la découverte. Qui est aujourd'hui l'ennemi numéro un de l'armée américaine ? Les Talibans ? Al-Qaida ? L'Iran ? Non, l'ennemi, c'est PowerPoint, comme l'a affirmé, en avril 2010, le général des Marines James N. Mattis, selon lequel « PowerPoint nous rend stupides ». Apparu en 1987, ce logiciel destiné à fabriquer des présentations visuelles pour soutenir des exposés oraux est devenu en quelques années un outil indispensable de communication dans le monde de l’entreprise. Après la parution de ce livre, M. . « Que le cadre sup' qui ne s'est jamais assoupi, après déjeuner, dans l'ambiance tamisée d'une réunion PowerPoint, qui ne s'est jamais arraché les cheveux à résumer une année de travail en dix slides (diapositives) et cinquante bullet points (points forts), jette le premier rétroprojecteur à Franck Frommer.

. « PowerPoint nous rendrait-il stupides ? « Soyons sérieux, la question n'est plus de savoir si l'humanité est imbécile, mais bien de se demander pourquoi. In April 2010, Marine General James N. "PowerPoint, c'est du cinéma" Pas de réunion qui vaille sans le logiciel de présentation de Microsoft : rapide et simple d'utilisation, il est omniprésent dans les entreprises et les administrations. Franck Frommer, auteur de "La Pensée PowerPoint" (La Découverte), en dénonce les travers et les dangers. LE MONDE MAGAZINE | | Propos recueillis par Propos recueillis par Pascale Krémer Que le cadre sup' qui ne s'est jamais assoupi, après déjeuner, dans l'ambiance tamisée d'une réunion PowerPoint, qui ne s'est jamais arraché les cheveux à résumer une année de travail en dix slides (diapositives) et cinquante bullet points (points forts), jette le premier rétroprojecteur à Franck Frommer.

Ce quinquagénaire, ex-journaliste amoureux de la langue française, est tombé dans la communication d'entreprise il y a une vingtaine d'années, au sein d'un grand groupe financier international. Il a constaté son omniprésence. Et sa vacuité, à l'en croire. J'ai d'abord été frappé par son hégémonie. Pourquoi PowerPoint rendrait-il stupide ? Bullets and "delusional" briefing slides. Another set of PowerPoint briefing slides was released to the public recently. The slides, which were obtained by the National Security Archive under the Freedom of Information Act, show what planners in 2002 projected might occur if the US invaded Iraq (get all slides in PDF).

The slides contain "completely unrealistic assumptions about a post-Saddam Iraq... " according to National Security Archive Executive Director Thomas Blanton. These PowerPoint Slides were used to brief the White House and Donald Rumsfeld in 2002. (See CNN article and video report.) These slides were likely never projected on a screen. PowerPoint decks like this are instead often printed and used in the US government and military as a kind of document. (See earlier posts related to slideumentation here, here, and here). Is the last bullet the most or least important? Bullet outlines dilute thought, says, Tufte. Above: POTUS = President of the United States.

PPT. Leçon de PowerPoint avec Steve Jobs et Al Gore | slate. Le logiciel de Microsoft est un enfer. Sauf si on sait l'utiliser. Combien de vies ont été brisées par PowerPoint? Difficile de fermer les yeux plus longtemps sur cette réalité, surtout après lecture d'un article du New York Times dans lequel une flopée de gradés descendent le cultissime logiciel de présentation de Microsoft. PowerPoint, peut-on lire dans le Times, a «presque viré à l'obsession» dans l'armée, où les jeunes officiers envoyés en Irak et en Afghanistan passent le plus clair de leur journée à faire joujou avec des slides qu'ils présenteront en réunions, séances de formation, ou pour briefer leurs équipes sur des missions.

Et plus qu'ennuyeuses, leurs présentations sont réellement dangereuses, indiquent certains soldats. Le brigadier-général H. R. Permettez-moi de répondre à ces accusations d'une manière qui sera familière aux gens de l'armée: J'ai mis moins d'une minute à faire la slide ci-dessus, avec les modèles tout prêts et les cliparts de PowerPoint. Oubliez les puces. The Cognitive Style of Power Point (9780961392154):… Ask E.T.: PowerPoint Does Rocket Science--and Better Techniques. Central Command Charts Sharp Movement of the Civil Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos By MICHAEL R. GORDON, The New York Times Published: November 1, 2006 See the NYT news story here Here are some preliminary comments on the slide "Iraq: I&W of Civil Conflict.

" It appears that "I&W" means "Indications and Warnings. " Only this single slide was leaked (by the military? Doing competent political analysis, epidemiology, nation-building, and war planning (all of which they're trying to do) in a chaotic situation is impossible, and not much good social science and epidemiology can be expected in chaos and from a military entangled in Iraq. The slide reports performance data--a list of phrases, with each phrase accompanied by a measure of performance. There is no cloud of uncertainty or error history associated with the editorializing color.

The list style, surely one damn thing after another here, is merely descriptive and thus preliminary to policy analysis. -- Edward Tufte. Annoying PowerPoint Survey 2005 Results. When looking at the responses from the 453 people who completed the 2015 survey on what annoys them about PowerPoint presentations, a clear message stood out: audiences feel that too many presenters don’t care enough about their audience to spend the time necessary to create and deliver a good presentation. That might sound like a harsh conclusion, but the hundreds of comments I reviewed make it clear that many presenters are not willing to learn the skills necessary or take the time to prepare properly. Presentations are becoming the default method for communicating in organizations I hear it often in my customized workshops and the results of the survey back it up: PowerPoint presentations are the expected way to communicate in organizations today.

Whether that is a good thing or not, professionals are expected to deliver updates, analysis, and recommendations using PowerPoint. PowerPoint is just a tool, and like any other tool, it can be used to create many different outputs. Duarte Design helps Al Gore "go visual" Duarte Design absolutely kicks butt when it comes to presentation design. Duarte helps their clients clarify their content, differentiate their core message, and create the most compelling presentations on the planet.

Duarte gets visual storytelling. And just who are Duarte's clients? You've probably heard of a few of them: Apple, Adobe, Kodak, Google, Cisco, Symantec, Sun,...Al Gore. Al Gore? When I posted about Al Gore's one-man traveling slideshow last week, I had totally forgotten (misremembered?) "Al Gore's presentation was in fact using Apple's Keynote presentation software (the same software Steve Jobs presents from) and did so for a number of reasons. Of course! Duarte helped take Al's visuals up several notchesYesterday I asked Nancy Duarte a few questions about working with Al Gore.

Q: How did Al Gore find you guys? A: "We were referred to Mr. Q: What was the process like? Q: It's not every day that a global leader stops by the office, what was Al really like? Churn, baby, churn. Duarte Design.