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Get Started Now. Trabaja con singletons de forma correcta - Sendoa Portuondo. NSPredicate. NSPredicate is a Foundation class that specifies how data should be fetched or filtered. Its query language, which is like a cross between a SQL WHERE clause and a regular expression, provides an expressive, natural language interface to define logical conditions on which a collection is searched. It's easier to show NSPredicate in use, rather than talk about it in the abstract, so we're going to revisit the example data set used in the NSSortDescriptor article: Using NSPredicate with Collections Foundation provides methods to filter NSArray / NSMutableArray & NSSet / NSMutableSet with predicates.

Immutable collections, NSArray & NSSet, have the methods filteredArrayUsingPredicate: and filteredSetUsingPredicate: which return an immutable collection by evaluating a predicate on the receiver. Mutable collections, NSMutableArray & NSMutableSet have the method filterUsingPredicate:, which removes any objects that evaluate to FALSE when running the predicate on the receiver. Predicate Syntax. Ideas, consejos y recomendaciones para programadores iOS - Sendoa Portuondo. Actualización 28/03/2013 Añadida la aplicación Deploymate al listado de herramientas secundarias de interés.Añadidas notas y links adicionales a la discusión «NIBs y storyboards, ¿sí o no?» El objetivo de esta guía es reunir aquellos recursos y conocimientos que considero de interés general para cualquier programador iOS: desde librerías/macros/snippets que casi todo proyecto debería incluir para facilitar/mejorar las cosas, hasta consejos y aclaraciones que me hubiese gustado conocer antes de empezar mis anteriores proyectos.

Quiero dejar claro que esta es una guía sobre desarrollo y no sobre marketing en la App Store. Todos sus contenidos están orientados hacia la programación sobre Cocoa. Y, por supuesto, cualquier aportación, corrección y/o sugerencia es bienvenida. Hardware Solo dos consejos: Cómprate un disco SSD. El 2º monitor también me viene muy bien para tener la documentación en un monitor mientras escribo código en el otro. Escoge un IDE con el que te sientas cómodo Dash CodeBox. Technical Note TN2151: Understanding and Analyzing iOS Application Crash Reports. Technical Note TN2151 When an application crashes, a "crash report" is created which is very useful for understanding what caused the crash. This document contains essential information about how to symbolicate, understand, and interpret crash reports. Introduction When an application crashes on an iOS device, a "crash report" is created and stored on the device. Crash reports describe the conditions under which the application terminated, in most cases including a complete stack trace for each executing thread, and are typically very useful for debugging issues in the application.

If you are an iOS developer, you should look at these crash reports to understand what crashes your application is having, and then try to fix them. Low memory reports differ from other crash reports in that there are no stack traces in this type of reports. Crash reports with stack traces need to be symbolicated before they can be analyzed. Understanding Low Memory Reports Analyzing Crash Reports Symbolication. iPhone Snippets | Example of codes from real applications. Iphone - How can I change images for UIBarButtonItems of UINavigationController in QLPreviewController. iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS 7.