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Short Stories. Short Stories by Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game. Ender Wiggins lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. He never slept more than five hours a night -- but the lights went off at 2200 and didn't come on again until 0600. So he stared at the ceiling and thought. He'd had his army for three and a half weeks. Dragon Army. The name was assigned, and it wasn't a lucky one. Oh, the charts said that about nine years ago a Dragon Army had done fairly well. But for the next six years the name had been attached to inferior armies, and finally, because of the superstition that was beginning to play about the name, Dragon Army was retired.

The door opened quietly. "Dragon Army against Rabbit Army, Ender Wiggins and Carn Carby, 0700. " The first battle. "First battle, 0700 against Rabbit Army. For an hour and a half they worked out, with three mock battles and calisthenics in the corridor out of the nullo. The members of toons C and D grabbed the first eight handholds in the ceiling of the corridor.

"Which way is the enemy's door? " "Down! " "Why? " To Sit in the Sun by Joanna Leyland. Don't ask me, dearie. I wouldn't know about that. As I said, I'm just a neighbour of theirs - that's right, that little white house there on the corner, the one with the fig tree next to it. And yes, I saw it all. Not that I was watching - I believe in keeping myself to myself - but a body couldn't help noticing. First all the coming and going with him being ill, then the weeping and wailing when he died - of course I went to pay my respects, that's only right - and I saw them carry the poor lamb from the village, lay him out proper and wall up the tomb. I did feel sorry for the two girls, I must say. What? Afterwards? Mind? Short stories. Kubrick 2001: The space odyssey explained.