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Scientific publication guidelines

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Scientific Writing Skills and Technical Writing Skills. The CONSORT Group > CONSORT Statement > Overview. DOWNLOADSCONSORT Statement 2010: CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration Document: The CONSORT Statement is intended to improve the reporting of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), enabling readers to understand a trial's design, conduct, analysis and interpretation, and to assess the validity of its results. It emphasizes that this can only be achieved through complete transparency from authors. Investigators and editors developed and revised the CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement to help authors improve reporting of two-parallel design RCTs by using a checklist and flow diagram.

The most up-to-date revision of the CONSORT Statement is CONSORT 2010, which can be freely viewed and downloaded from this website. All previous versions of the CONSORT Statement are out-dated. Extensions of the CONSORT Statement have been developed for other types of study designs, interventions and data. The Checklist The Flow Diagram Explanation and Elaboration Document Translations. - PRISMA 2009 Checklist.pdf. Statement 2000.pdf. STROBE Statement: Home.