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How To Smock Fabric – How To Smock A T-Shirt. UPDATE: This previously ran on October the 30th but as we know everyone likes to update their basic tee every once in a while we wanted to bring it back. Smocking has always been a craft that has intrigued me, I love how it creates more depth and volume in flat fabrics and the pattern is so pretty when finished. This decorative technique developed in England and was extensively used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in work wear. It has developed over the years and now is incorporated into modern designs.

This weekend I wanted to add interest to a plain white shirt I had, so I grabbed a needle and thread and smocked the waist. Here’s how I did it: What you need: A white t-shirt that is slightly oversized Thread A needle Scissors A ruler with 1cm dimensions A fabric pencil Step one: Turn your t-shirt inside out and mark with the fabric pencil rows of 1cm squares, you can have as many rows as you like, I chose four.

Block 12: shell smocking – Textured 4-patch quilt. Close up Block type: 4-patch Block size: 10 1/2 inches Colour scheme: reds, greens and neutrals Texture/fabric manipulation: Canadian smocking Cut: one 6 1/4 in red squareone 6 1/4 in pale green squareone 4 1/2 in red squareone 4 1/2 in pale green squareone 9 in cream square Making the shell smocking Shell stitching diagram As you can see in the diagram, shell smocking is stitched in rows. The black line implies that both points, A and B, C and D, E and F, etc are pulled and stitched together.

The dotted line implies that you drag your thread from the last pulled stitch to the next stitching point, without pulling. Get the 9 in fabric square and draw a grid with lines at 1/2 in intervals. Double stitch on the first dot, then pick up the next dot. Pull together and stitch. Now move the thread to B and stitch without pulling. Double stitch to anchor the thread on C. Repeat the previous steps with C and D, and so on. At the end of Row 1 you will have something like this. Continue with Row 2, and so on. Shall We Gather II ~ Smocking! Ready to try an adorable vintage needlework technique? Used before elastic was ever invented, smocking is a simple embroidery method to gather fabric into a decorative pattern at cuffs, necklines, bodices and so on. The tucks and pleats allow the fabric to stretch. Let's get started with our "Smockery"! Grab a scrap of cotton gingham fabric, with the checks at least 3/8" to 1/2" wide, a wide-eye needle, some floss, glue stick and a pair of scissors, and you're ready to go!

Supplies: Practice on a small swatch of gingham print, or cut a 5" x 30" rectangle to make a headband. Or jump right in with an adorable vintage-style gingham apron. Simple Smocked Apron: * 1-1/8 yards Gingham Check fabric * 3 yards rick-rack * DMC embroidery floss * Crewel Embroidery needles * Small pair of scissors * Glue Stick Here's a little demo to get going. Use two strands of embroidery floss. Bring thread up at your starting point. Take a tiny stitch where your thread came up to anchor the stitch. Do NOT skip this step. Diary of a Quilter - a quilt blog.