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Pédagogie : Découvrez nos tests d'outils innovants ! Formateur ou enseignant, vous êtes à la recherche d’un logiciel pour animer vos cours, les rendre plus vivants ou partager plus d’informations ? Notre équipe de Sydologues teste régulièrement de nouveaux outils afin de vous aider à effectuer votre choix. E-learning, création de schémas, outils collaboratifs… Petit tour d’horizon des derniers tests parus sur notre magazine. N’hésitez pas à nous faire partager vos avis et vos découvertes en commentaires de cet article ! Créer un schéma Découvrez une autre manière de présenter vos contenus en créant des liens entre vos idées ! Popplet – Gratuit & Payant Voir notre avis !

Thinglink – Gratuit & Payant Voir notre avis ! Créer une vidéo Des outils pour créer des vidéos. Moovly – Gratuit & Payant Voir notre avis ! Pow Toon – Gratuit & Payant Voir notre avis ! E-Learning Ces logiciels vous aident à créer vos propres modules de formation à distance. Storyline – Payant Voir notre avis ! 360 Learning – Payant Voir notre avis !

Outils de présentation Jeu. Pédagogie : Découvrez nos tests d'outils innovants ! Top 10 Emerging trends in technology for 2015. 30 Trends In Education Technology For 2015. 30 Trends In Education Technology For The 2015 School Year by Terry Heick What’s trending up for 2015 school year in terms of education technology? iPads are still the standard but other platforms are making headway. That should be fun to watch over the next 3-5 years. Educators are getting better at spotting crap edtech, but waste still abounds. Schools are getting better at thinking tech-first (not in terms of priority, but design). Apps are getting downright brilliant in spots, but in-app purchasing? Below are 30 entirely subjective but hopefully somewhere close to reality takes on what’s trending up and what’s trending down in education and education technology for 2015 and beyond. Note that this list isn’t an endorsement–meaning this isn’t necessarily the way I think things should be, but rather what they seem to be–at least from my vantage point, right here, right now.

Trending Up Awkward Middle Ground Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc. Trending Down. 7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2014. Technology trends in both higher ed and K-12 classrooms continue to evolve and transform traditional learning environments. New learning analytics, mobile devices, open online learning, and 3D printers are some of the many Educational technology trends to be on the lookout for in 2014. Here’s a detailed discussion. 1) 3D Printing 3D Printers which enable makers to create whatever they can imagine and design have exploded into mainstream culture over the past year. Libraries are creating DIY makerspaces and providing these new tools of production to their communities along with opportunities for skill-building in math and engineering which are required to design 3D objects.

The Poland and Hong Kong based GADGETS3D has launched an initiative called the “3D Printer in Every School” project in which they have designed a low cost, small 3D printer specifically created for the classroom. Click for full infographic 2) MOOCs Click for full infographic 3) Big Data Click for full infographic.