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Paisley.jpg Photo by peacepipea | Photobucket. Une ville comme Hundertwasser. Artolazzi: 5th grade. This idea came from Art with Mr. E! The 5th graders studied Dale Chihuly and created a collaborative tower in his style. They each brought in a water bottle, wrapped it w/tissue paper and gluey water. They also each made a paper sculpture. My husband and father made the stand and we just stuck our art into the holes from the chicken wire! It turned out great! Amazing glass blowing site! Great video! 7th grade. We have been involved with lots of art collaborations in the last few weeks and this one with Rogers Middle School has topped the list! Too much fun as you'll see by some of our photos... Here is how the lesson went: 7th graders were instructed to create a 1/2 portrait on a white ATC. We used only Sharpie but worked on adding a shadow with hatching, cross-hatching or stippling.

Students also chose an emotion or feeling from a list as well as a "type" of person (cowboy, athlete, etc) to draw. Many came up with their own idea but having a list to choose from sparked an idea in those kids who needed a little push. Here's the link to the original post: RMS Collaboration Once the cards were done, we mailed them off to Rogers and received a huge pile of them back! The plan was to take photos with the cards we received from Rogers- we wanted to "fill in" the rest of the face. Getting the photos to line up was tricking and sometimes our depth perception was a little off. Check out Mrs. » Kandinsky Project Georgetown Elementary Art Blog. January 18, 2012 Georgetown fourth grade artists are finishing up a big Kandinsky project this week. The project is stunning, and we can’t wait to hang these in the hallway! After looking at Kandinsky’s Several Circles No. 323 and discussing abstract art, we got started.

Several Circles No. 323 We began by thinking about texture and color as we created our background. texture background Next came tempera paint in rainbow order, with a little white thrown in for playing with tints. painting – rainbow order We traced circles and painted over our marker lines with black tempera paint. tracing circles and painting with tempera Then – more color, this time thinking about warm and cool colors as we painted the circles. One more look at Kandinsky’s circle painting and a big discussion about eye path and leading the viewer through the artwork by using shape and color….and finally, cutting our circles, carefully placing them on the background, and gluing the circles down.

Assembling Kandinsky project. Winter. Would you like to make sure your students know how to mix a color, in this case green? Then give them one of Crayola’s Watercolor Mixing Sets (which only has shades of primary colors) and tell them their job is to figure out how. I asked my students to not only make green, but at least three different shades of green for a simple but colorful abstract landscape. 1. I set up a lot of limitations to keep students from getting distracted with drawing flowers or animals or even a sun. They were to draw at least three triangle trees, with simple trunks, and a wavy ground line.2. When the pencil drawing was complete, they had the option of tracing their trees and coloring their trunks with brown or black crayons.3. Next, the fun part, making green. Teaching Art.

I'm having fun making more pages for the kids, and they're having fun making their own. Win-win. We're all doin' art! Feel free to save, print, use. Creator. Processing ... Personal $ Svg $20 ✓ Up to $75 merchandises for personal use. Merchandise $ License to use artwork in merchandises (T-Shirt, Mug, poster, etc). Single Use $ License for single-purpose non-merchandising use. Unlimited $ Unlimited personal or commercial use. Custom $TBD Custom license, with terms subject to prior arrangement. Please contact for more information By accepting this license, you agree to the Tagxedo's Terms of Service, and you agree that you have acquired the right to use the source image to create the Tagxedo artwork, and that you indemnify and hold harmless Tagxedo and its employees and officers from any harm are liability that may incur.

Please contact if you have any question. Video Gallery - Sakura Of America ... Power To Express. Buho Visual Identity on Behance. Welcome to! 88946161360560817_RKJ1wH3U.jpg (1392×1878) 6th grade art. April 16, 2012 This session I will be teaching my fifth grade class. Unfortunately my sixth graders left and will be moving onto the middle school next year:( I will miss them greatly.

What a good bunch of kids! April 15, 2012 Silkscreening T-shirts with a Social or Environmental Message! Miss Flegal and I cashed in on these stretcher bars we came upon and combined them with white organza fabric to make silkscreens! Students brought in their own t-shirts and used elmer's glue to create a resist. The exciting component about this project was the glow-in-the-dark printing ink I was able to find to make their shirts really special! March 21, 2012 Sixth grade silhouettes complete! Our art program has been getting so many positive comments about the front entrance of our building and these vibrant mosaic silhouettes. March 9, 2012 December 2, 2011 This six week session I will be instructing my fifth grade class and will return to teaching fifth grade again in February. November 11. 2011 1. 2. 3. December 2011. The Nutcracker Trophies. The winners are listed below. My art room Mrs. McLaurin's Door Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Won the 1st grade award and overall favorite!!!! Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. The Library doors - Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. 5th grade Winner!!!! Ms. Ms. Mrs.


Dessin. Coloriage. Create your own Piccassohead. Arts Visuels Ecole PS MS GS CP CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2.