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Courage the Cowardly dog intro. A dog's seeing eye dog. Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Maddison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. The two are, of course, inseparable. (via Weird Universe, Daily Record, The Sun) The Cocoanuts: Why a Duck? David Blaine Changes Coffee Into Money. Shipoopi Original/FamilyGuy.

Special Ed - Do you know that song? Uhaul Ad - Family Guy. Invisible Rope Prank. Lion-king-simba-can-has-lands.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x457 pixels) Duck Soup (1933) Horse Feathers: Password. Caterpillars in Pairs | Minuscule -- [Volume1] - #06. Minuscule - DVD2 - Part09. My Name Is Earl! Season 1 Trailer! The Little Rascals - Something To Eat. LITTLE RASCALS. - StumbleUpon. The Caterpillar and The Brook | Minuscule -- [Volume1] - #08. Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Clip #6 Goldie explains it al. One RingyDingy. Classic Sesame Street - Edith Ann's sandwich.