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Website Templates | WordPress Themes | ThemeForest. Token-Based Authentication With AngularJS & NodeJS. Eloquent JavaScript. Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle. Httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service. 8 Essential Design Tools for Front-end Web Developers. Whether you’re building a new project, or updating one that you had built a long time ago, there is always that one time where you need a particular tool, and once again – you have to look for it. I recently wrapped up a post that discussed the most essential web apps for web designers, and turns out that a lot of the community members were able to agree with me, and even encouraged me to do a follow-up, of some of the essential design tools that, specifically, front-end developers might find useful.

Just like I said in the previous post, this is a list of essentials tools, but they’re not necessarily tools that you’ll be using every day. They’re merely a way of reducing the time that you spend, looking something up, and then doing it once again. You can either bookmark this page, or the tools themselves; whichever you prefer.

Flat UI Colors Quit looking up the same colors all of the time, or worse: write them down from an image. Subtle Patterns Meet the Ipsums Color Template Fontello TypeKit.


Pelican 3.4.0 — Pelican 3.4.0 documentation. Bootstrap. Creating packages · Bower. Bower.json Packages are defined by a manifest file bower.json. This is similar to Node’s package.json or Ruby’s Gemfile. Interactively create a bower.json with bower init The bower.json spec defines several options, including: name (required): The name of your package. version: A semantic version number (see semver). main string or array: The primary endpoints of your package. ignore array: An array of paths not needed in production that you want Bower to ignore when installing your package. dependencies hash: Packages your package depends upon in production.

Maintaining dependencies Using bower install <package> --save will add <package> to your project’s bower.json dependencies array. # install package and add it to bower.json dependencies$ bower install <package> --save Similarly, using bower install <package> --save-dev will add <package> to your project’s bower.json devDependencies array. # install package and add it to bower.json devDependencies$ bower install <package> --save-dev. Smashing Magazine — For Professional Web Designers and Developers. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. Your Web, documented · Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. Developer Network.

