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Simon's Cat 'Cat Man Do'. Under The Duvet - Marian Keyes. Henning Mankell. Henning Mankell. “I can still remember the miraculous feeling of writing a sentence, then more sentences, to tell a story.

Henning Mankell

The first thing I wrote was a one-page summary of Robinson Crusoe and I am so sorry I do not have it any more; it was at that moment I became an author.” Since the first story about Robinson Crusoe Henning Mankell has written more than 40 books that have sold more than 40 million copies worldwide. Perhaps he is most famous for his novels about inspector Kurt Wallander in Ystad, but apart from the ten books in the Wallander series Mankell has written 20 novels and ten youth books. His books about the Mozambican girl Sofia, who lost both legs after having stepped on a land mine, is read by thousands of school children each year. Internationally, Henning Mankell is one of Sweden’s most best-selling authors and his books have topped the charts in both Europe and the US.

Henning Mankell. In 1989 Henning Mankell returned to Sweden after an extended period in Africa.

Henning Mankell

Upon his return in Sweden, Henning Mankell was astounded by the xenophobia he seemed to have started to grow in Swedish society and decided to write about it. Since racism, according to Mankell, is a crime he needed a police officer. After a few searches through the local phone book Mankell had found his inspector. Kurt Wallander was born. In 1991, the first novel in the Wallander series, Faceless killers, was published in Sweden. Henning Mankell. In 1989 Henning Mankell returned to Sweden after an extended period in Africa.

Henning Mankell

Upon his return in Sweden, Henning Mankell was astounded by the xenophobia he seemed to have started to grow in Swedish society and decided to write about it. Since racism, according to Mankell, is a crime he needed a police officer. After a few searches through the local phone book Mankell had found his inspector. Kurt Wallander was born. In 1991, the first novel in the Wallander series, Faceless killers, was published in Sweden. Henning Mankell. “I don’t know why, but when I stepped out of the plane in Africa I had the odd feeling of coming home”.

Henning Mankell

The first time Henning Mankell went to Africa was in 1973 – the same year his debut novel Bergsprängaren (The Rock Blaster) was published. Since then Henning Mankell has spent a great deal of his life on the African continent. After living in Zambia and other countries, he was offered to work as artistic leader at Teatro Avenida in Mozambique’s capital Maputo in 1986. Since he began his work at the theatre, Henning Mankell spends at least six months a year in Maputo, where he directs in parallel with his writing. Life and work in Africa have given Henning a new perspective on Sweden and Europe. – I am like an artist who has to stand close to the canvas in order to paint, and afterwards take a step back to be able to see what I have painted.

Henning Mankell. Home - Marian Keyes. Eleven Things About Marian - Marian Keyes. Rachel's Holiday - Marian Keyes. Watermelon - Marian Keyes. Last Chance Saloon - Marian Keyes. LITERATURE. Free eBooks at Planet eBook - Classic Novels and Literature.