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Expandable/collapsible panells

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Collapsible mit Bild. July 3rd 09': Updated to v2.4, which supports a new set of "rel" and data-image" attributes you can insert into arbitrary links to quickly create link or image link togglers.

Collapsible mit Bild

Description: This script collapses any DIV on the page and lets users manually toggle its appearance via a smooth "Web 2.0 style" animation. It's a popular effect on many social networking/ comment sites. Three distinguishing features of this script are: Ability for the script to work on both DIVs that have an explicit CSS height attribute defined, and without. Ability to "group" multiple collapsible content instances to act as a single unit, so opening one closes the others. Mit + und x. July, 2013 by Tom Elliott The use of expandable and collapsible panels is widespread on the Internet.

mit + und x

There are many plugins and code available that allow you to implement various types of expandable content or ‘accordion’ effects which essentially involve the user clicking on a panel heading to reveal the content underneath. Expandable panels are often used as a way to break up content rich pages into more visually appealing sections, where visitors can choose to read more about a particular section if they wish.
