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Oakham School - Learning Habits at Oakham. Learning Habits at Oakham "We are what we repeatedly do.

Oakham School - Learning Habits at Oakham

Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle The essence of nurturing intellectually ambitious thinkers and independent learners is to identify, promote and develop effective habits of mind. Helsinki Bus Station Theory - Stay on the Bus! I've never visited Finland.

Helsinki Bus Station Theory - Stay on the Bus!

Actually, I probably never should, since it's a place I love so much on paper – dazzling, snow-blanketed landscapes, best education in the world, first country to give full suffrage to women, home of the Moomins – that reality could only disappoint. Even the staunchest Finnophile, though, might be sceptical on encountering the Helsinki Bus Station Theory. Resilience. The Home of Building Learning Power. Blpia_extract.pdf. Guy Claxton Workshop Part 1 of 3. Building learning power (BLP): INSET day ideas and resources. "What Building Learning Power does..." - Prof. Guy Claxton.