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Robert V Gentry - Halos Center Of The Universe. Robert Gentry presentation Disproof of Big Bang. Center of the Universe, In-depth Discussion, part 1. Center of the Universe, In-depth Discussion, part 2. Center of the Universe, In-depth Discussion, part 3. Creation's Tiny Mystery: Table of Contents. Earth Science Associates - Published Reports. Chapter 5 Appendix. MICHAEL PITMAN—"Dr. Gentry, a meticulous scientist who has published work in leading scientific journals, has for fifteen years been challenging the 'big bang' cosmology.

The world's greatest geochronologists have been unable to refute his work. "—Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), pp. 238-237. HENRY MORRIS "An even more amazing development is the massive evidence accumulated by physicist Robert Gentry, from granite rocks all over the world, of 'parentless' polonium, indicated by 'radiohalos' of polonium without corresponding halos of the uranium from which polonium is normally derived by radioactive decay. For a summary of Gentry's many technical papers (which have been published in numerous refereed journals before their creationist implications were realized), see Stephen L. RANDY WYSONG "Creationists say that actual evidence the creation was indeed sudden and complete comes from study of rapidly decaying radioactive elements and pleochroic halos. R.E. "What does this mean? Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation - Polonium Halos in Granite and Coal - Earth Science Associates.

Video Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation - Polonium Halos in Granite and Coal - Earth Science Associates. [Home] Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation - Polonium Halos in Granite and Coal - ESA. Published Papers of Dr. Robert V. Gentry. Earth Science Associates, LLC. Dr. Robert Gentry- Young Age of the Earth. Orion Foundation: Exposing the Flaws in the Big Bang Theory. The Great 21st Century Scientific Watergate points to the Throne of God at the nearby Center of the Universe. 1. Ten Censored Papers. In 2001 we prepared ten scientific papers exposing a number of fatal flaws in the Big Bang. However, the Los Alamos National Laboratory arXiv staff censored and deleted these papers in order to prevent the overturning of Big Bang cosmology and the support of the Genesis account of Creation. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.